- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
I am with Groupe Mutuel, but when I requested a supplemental package in my policy in order to use alternative medicine, this was denied. I asked them why it was denied, and they told me that it was denied because I stated in the document that I had used alternative medicine treatment that year.
Apparently its the case that if you have used or need alternative treatment, then you can not get the supplement, where a percentage of the costs are covered. I told them then that I would need to cancel the insurance, because I am interested in receiving alternative medicine treatment, and they told me that this goes for all the insurance companies in Switzerland.
I was wondering if this is true? Are you aware of the fact that it is not possible in Switzerland to get the insurance for alternative treatment, if you have had a treatment in the last years, or are planning to get it? Or are there insurance companies in Switzerland that offer the supplement for alternative treatments without looking at your medical history or if you need it or not? I hope that you have some information on this matter... Hope to hear from you.
Kind regards