The unbiased telecom comparisons let you compare the costs and features of Swiss telecom products. Useful information and telecom guides help you find the telecom services which match your needs and budget.
Comparisons & Calculators
The unbiased telecom comparisons let you compare the costs and features of Swiss telecom products. Useful information and telecom guides help you find the telecom services which match your needs and budget.
Compare Swiss mobile plans and prepaid packages based on your specific needs.
Compare nowUse this nifty tool to find the most affordable mobile roaming solutions for your mobile plan or prepaid mobile service.
Find the best roaming solutionFind the most affordable Swiss broadband Internet based on your address and specific Internet needs.
Compare nowCompare the costs and features of Swiss TV plans and find the best plan for your entertainment needs.
Compare nowFind the most affordable Swiss home phone plan for your specific telecom needs.
Compare nowUse the free and unbiased comparison of Swiss bundled Internet, landline and TV packages to find the right telecom plan for your home.
Compare nowCompare video streaming services in Switzerland and find the most affordable service for your streaming needs.
CompareCompare music streaming services in Switzerland and find the most favorable offer for your music streaming needs.
Compare nowUse the free Swiss telecom calculators to optimize your telecom spending.
Use the calculatorsYou will find helpful information on telecom topics in our articles in the magazine on
Browse the guidesCurrent offers
Current offers
Cornèrtrader Special Offer
Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users
No custody account fees for shares
Swiss online bank with FINMA license
Swisscard Cashback Cards Amex
No annual fees
Two cards Amex & Visa/Mastercard
With cash back
No account fees
Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance
CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»
Cornèr 3a
Attractive interest rate
3a tax savings
No account management costs
UBS key4
50 KeyClub points as a welcome gift
Online private account with debit card
Cornèrtrader Special Offer
Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users