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Health insurance

Compare all Swiss compulsory health insurance policies based on your specific needs with the unbiased health insurance comparison.

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Supplemental Health Insurance

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Hospital Insurance

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Life Insurance

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Legal Insurance Comparison

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Travel Insurance

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Rental Deposit Insurance

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Pet Insurance

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Savings Accounts

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Private Accounts

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Banking Packages

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Business Accounts

Compare the costs and interests of Swiss business bank accounts and debit cards now and get free quotes.

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Credit Cards

Use the most comprehensive Swiss credit card comparison to find the right credit cards for your needs.

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Business Credit Cards

Compare the costs and benefits of Swiss business credit cards with this comprehensive moneyland.ch business credit card comparison.

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Prepaid Cards

Use the most comprehensive Swiss prepaid card comparison to find the right prepaid cards for your needs.

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Compare indicative interest rates for different types of mortgages and construction loans and seamlessly request unbinding quotes.

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Personal Loans

Compare Swiss personal loans and get free quotes with this unbiased comparison.

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Business Loans

Find the right Swiss business loan with this unbiased comparison tool.

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Online Trading

Compare Swiss stock brokers with this unbiased, interactive trading comparison.

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Forex Trading

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CFD Trading

Compare Swiss CFD brokers to find the most affordable broker for your trading needs.

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Asset Management

Compare Swiss wealth management services and find the most favorable option for your investment needs.

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Medium-Term Notes

Find the most favorable Swiss medium-term notes based on yields and possible costs.

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Fixed Deposits

Find the most favorable Swiss fixed deposits for your savings and investment needs.

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Pillar 3a Retirement Savings Accounts

Find the most favorable pillar 3a accounts for your tax-privileged retirement savings.

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Retirement Funds

Compare the historical costs and performance of Swiss pillar 2 and pillar 3 retirement funds.

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Vested Benefits Accounts

Compare Swiss vested benefits accounts for occupational pension benefits based on yields and possible costs.

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Mobile Plans

Compare Swiss mobile plans and prepaid packages based on your specific needs.

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Use this nifty tool to find the most affordable mobile roaming solutions for your mobile plan or prepaid mobile service.

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Broadband Internet

Find the most affordable Swiss broadband Internet based on your address and specific Internet needs.

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TV Plans

Compare the costs and features of Swiss TV plans and find the best plan for your entertainment needs.

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Landline Phone Plans

Find the most affordable Swiss home phone plan for your specific telecom needs.

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Telecom Package Deals

Use the free and unbiased comparison of Swiss bundled Internet, landline and TV packages to find the right telecom plan for your home.

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Video Streaming

Compare video streaming services in Switzerland and find the most affordable service for your streaming needs.

Music Streaming

Compare music streaming services in Switzerland and find the most favorable offer for your music streaming needs.

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All Swiss Financial Calculators

Use these powerful calculators to calculate investments, insurance, mortgages, loans, taxes and many other areas of finance.

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Online private account

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Cheap bank accounts with card

Online private account

UBS key4

  • 50 KeyClub points as a welcome gift

  • Online private account with debit card

Swiss digital bank


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  • Up to 1% of card spending as saveback in the investment portfolio

Free bank account


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  • Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance

  • CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»

Swiss digital bank


  • CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.

  • Favorable foreign exchange rates

  • Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP) 

Deal of the Day
Online private account

UBS key4

50 KeyClub points as a welcome gift

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