Car Insurance Premiums Trend Upwards
Many Swiss car insurance providers are raising their premiums in 2025. In this report,…
News from independent online comparison service covering current developments in the Swiss insurance sector. Get unbiased information at no cost.
Many Swiss car insurance providers are raising their premiums in 2025. In this report,… analyzed Swiss mandatory health insurance premiums for 2025 across French-speaking, German… studied developments in premiums charged for mandatory health insurance over the past 10…
1.72 billion Swiss francs were spent on the administration of mandatory health insurance in 2023. This…
Independent online comparison service conducted a survey of customer satisfaction with…
A survey by independent online comparison service reveals customer satisfaction with Swiss…
By migrating to the cheapest available mandatory health insurance providers, Switzerland’s residents… analyzed the published information about the administrative costs of Swiss mandatory health…
2024 will bring the next big health insurance price hike to residents of Switzerland. But most residents…
Family, job, politics: The new Swiss Personal Satisfaction Study from shows how content…
Phone, bank, health insurance: This new survey shows which things Swiss are most ready…
Money, war, sickness: The 2023 Swiss Worry Study by reveals what residents of Switzerland…
Which is the cheapest mandatory health insurance in your town of residence?, Switzerland…
Switzerland’s residents could save an average of 428 francs per person on mandatory health insurance… analyzed the 2023 mandatory health insurance premiums for each region. The results show…
The cost of mandatory health insurance in Switzerland is shooting up once again. Here,…
A representative survey by independent Swiss online comparison service reveals customer…
How high are salaries in the Swiss financial sector? A analysis reveals that most Swiss…
Swiss trust fire fighters more than doctors, and bankers less than taxi drivers. Find out which professionals…
Withdrawal rights, termination rights, and longer periods for retroactive claims: The new Swiss insurance…
Although premiums will go down slightly in 2022, residents of Switzerland could still save an average…
A analysis of Swiss mandatory health insurance premiums for 2022 shows that residents of…
Switzerland’s independent online comparison service analyzed the administrative expenses…
The median Swiss compulsory health insurance premiums will become 0.2 percent cheaper in 2022. If you…
A comparison of the costs and coverage of Swiss term life insurance offers by Independent online comparison…
The Swiss Health Insurance Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021 shows that residents of Switzerland are…
Migros is now offering its own household and personal liability insurance in collaboration with Swiss…
Coronavirus prevention measures have also lent to the reduction of flu infections in Switzerland this…
Are trip cancellations and interruptions caused by coronavirus covered by Swiss travel insurance? Find…
Independent online comparison service conducted a representative survey to determine how…
Save money on banking, insurance and telecom in 2021 with these tips from independent online comparison…
Independent Swiss online comparison service has been completely upgraded to a new, more…
A study by independent Swiss online comparison service analyzed the cheapest mandatory…
The 2020 representative survey of Swiss health insurance customer satisfaction shows major differences…
Residents of Switzerland could save an average of 381 francs per person and year by moving to the cheapest…
Switzerland’s independent online comparison service analyzed the administrative costs of…
Residents of French-speaking and Italian-speaking Switzerland pay significantly higher mandatory health…
Switzerland will soon celebrate the 729th anniversary of its founding. As an August 1 special, the moneyland…
Is life in Switzerland too expensive? A survey of consumer perception of prices in Switzerland by independent…
Find out how to optimize your personal finances across banking, insurance and telecom during the coronavirus…
IKEA is now offering personal property and personal liability insurance in Switzerland. Find out how…
The Corona virus has literally got the world holding its breath. Are China travel bookings covered by…
How do the mobile apps from Swiss health insurance providers compare? A study by independent online…
How much could residents save on compulsory Swiss health insurance? Independent online comparison service…
Independent online comparison service compared premiums for compulsory health insurance…
Health insurance premiums in French-speaking Switzerland will again be much higher than premiums in…
What compulsory health insurance premiums can residents of Switzerland expect to pay in 2020? An analysis…
How does the new PostFinance car insurance compare? This evaluation by compares the premiums…
What have Swiss got to worry about? Independent online comparison service conducted a representative…
A representative survey of Swiss bargaining habits by independent online comparison service moneyland…
The 2019 representative customer satisfaction survey of Swiss health insurance providers by independent…
A survey by independent online comparison service reveals how likely Swiss are to change…
Independent online comparison service conducted a representative survey to determine how…, the independent Swiss online comparison service, conducted a representative survey to…
A representative survey by independent online comparison service reveals the popularity…
Postfinance is looking to enter the car insurance sector. takes a close look at the pros…
Swiss compulsory health insurance policyholders are increasingly opting for managed care models with…
An analysis of online portals and apps offered by Swiss health insurance providers by independent online…
An analysis of Swiss health insurance providers by independent Swiss online comparison service moneyland…
Switzerland’s independent online comparison service,, conducted a study of premium savings…
Independent online comparison service analyzed 2018 statistics related to Switzerland’s…
Independent Swiss online comparison service analyzed 2019 premiums for compulsory health…, Switzerland’s independent online comparison service, conducted an analysis of compulsory…
Independent online comparison service conducted a representative survey of health insurance…
Even at the compulsory health insurance level, there are notable differences in the service delivered…
A analysis of Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and FINMA data shows that sales commissions…
A study of health insurance premiums across Switzerland shows that on average, residents…
A analysis of health insurance savings potential shows that the average resident could…
A analysis of health insurance of 2018 compulsory health insurance premiums provides interesting…
A survey commissioned by unbiased insurance and banking comparison service reveals major…
A analysis of health insurance premiums across Switzerland’s linguistic regions shows that… launches Moneyland Search, a personal finance search engine for banking and insurance products…
What changes to costs and interest rates charged by banks and insurance companies can we expect to face…
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