
Investing & Retirement

Find all investment and retirement planning guides and articles from independent Swiss online comparison service listed in this overview. Topics covered include: trading; retirement funds; occupational pension funds and pillar 3a and 3b; wealth management; fixed deposits.

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Copper

Copper is a versatile commodity that is in strong demand. This guide gives you the most…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Penny Stocks

Does investing in low-priced stocks pay off? This guide answers the most important questions…

Investing & Retirement

Using Foreign Stockbrokers in Switzerland: The Pros and Cons

A number of foreign stockbrokers offer trading accounts to investors in Switzerland. Find answers to…

Investing & Retirement

Using Leveraged ETFs: A Basic Guide

Leveraged ETFs amplify changes in stock index rates, attracting risk-tolerant investors with the prospect…

Investing & Retirement

Common Investment Mistakes to Avoid

Investing successfully and securely can be simple if you avoid certain widespread blunders. This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Tax Deductions for Investors Explained

This guide explains the Swiss tax deductions for asset management costs, and costs from…

Investing & Retirement

The 60/40 Investment Rule Explained

60 percent stocks, 40 percent bonds: Many investors consider this mix to be the basis of a diversified…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Ethereum

Are you interested in investing in Ethereum? This guide provides useful information about…

Investing & Retirement

Stocks, Bonds, and Other Investments: These Returns Are Realistic

Many people base their investment decisions on the potential returns. This guide gives…

Investing & Retirement

The 50-30-20 Rule Explained

The 50-30-20 rule can help you optimize your personal finances and build wealth. In this guide, moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Taxes on Dividends and Capital Gains in Switzerland Explained

How are dividends, interest yields, and capital gains taxed in Switzerland? Online comparison service…

Investing & Retirement

Buying a House or Apartment With Swiss Pension Fund and Pillar 3a Savings: A Practical Guide

Swiss pension fund benefits and pillar 3a retirement savings can be withdrawn early to buy or maintain…

Investing & Retirement

Investing in Government Bonds: A Practical Guide

Governments issue bonds as a way of borrowing money, and they pay interest on the loans. This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Checklist for Choosing the Right ETF

Choosing the right ETF to invest in can be challenging. This step-by-step checklist guides you through…

Investing & Retirement

How to invest in Swiss Real Estate

Learn how to invest in the Swiss property market in this practical guide.

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Dividend Stocks

For many investors, stock dividends are an important element of investing. This guide answers…

Investing & Retirement

A Guide to Bitcoin ETFs

The cryptocurrency market is opening to mainstream investors with the approval of bitcoin spot ETFs.…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Nasdaq

Are you thinking of investing in the Nasdaq 100 index? Get answers to the most important questions in…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in a Global Stock Index

Are you looking to invest in companies all around the world? This guide provides the most…

Investing & Retirement

Investing in Stocks: Useful Tips for Traders

How should you go about buying shares and investing in the stock market? Find useful information in…

Investing & Retirement

Risk Ratings of Mutual Funds and ETFs Explained

Risk ratings help you to better evaluate the risks of investing in a fund. This guide gives…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Digital Asset Managers Compared

Get clear information about Swiss digital asset managers (robo advisors) in this guide…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Whisky

Learn the basics of using whisky as an investment in this guide.

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Asian Stocks

Asia is considered by many to be an epicenter of future growth. This guide provides useful information…

Investing & Retirement

Emergency Funds in Switzerland: A Practical Guide

An emergency fund provides a financial buffer for unforeseeable expenses and situations. This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Home Bias: How Much Swissness Can Your Investment Portfolio Take?

Many investors in Switzerland place too much weight in Swiss stocks. This guide explains what home bias…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Private Equity

Private Equity as an asset class has traditionally been reserved for institutional, professional, or…

Investing & Retirement

Non-Bank Safe Deposit Boxes in Switzerland – Who Are They For?

Get informed about safe deposit boxes offered by non-bank secure storage companies in Switzerland.

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Mutual Fund and ETF Savings Plans Explained

A savings plan lets you automatically invest in mutual funds or ETFs in order to build up wealth over…

Investing & Retirement

The Pros and Cons of Using ETFs to Invest

Today’s investors can hardly get around using ETFs. In this guide, explains the most important…

Investing & Retirement

Possible Costs of Swiss Vested Benefits Accounts Explained

Get informed about possible fees and charges associated with vested benefits accounts in this financial…

Investing & Retirement

What Does a Swiss 3a Retirement Account Cost?

Get informed about the possible fees and charges of Swiss pillar 3a retirement savings accounts.

Investing & Retirement

Investing in the SMI: What You Should Know

The Swiss Market Index (SMI) is the best-known Swiss stock index. Find out how to invest in the SMI,…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Money Market Funds

Like savings accounts and fixed deposits, money market funds are considered to be a low-risk investment…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in the SPI

The Swiss Performance Index (SPI) is one of the most important Swiss stock market indexes. This guide…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest When Interest Rates Sink

Savings Accounts, medium-term notes, or stocks? explains which investments make the most…

When Money Gains Value

Deflation: How Should You Invest?

How does deflation affect bonds, stocks, gold, real estate, and other investments? Learn how to invest…

Investing & Retirement

Active ETFs Explained

For many people, the term ETF is synonymous with passively managed funds. But there are also actively…

Investing & Retirement

How to Choose the Right Swiss Pillar 3a Retirement Saving Solution

Are you interested in using the Swiss pillar 3a to save for retirement? Find out which kind of pillar…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Future Foods

Innovative agriculture and test tube meat: Some exchange-traded funds (ETFs) specialize in future food…

Investing & Retirement

How to Open a Pillar 3a Account

The third pillar lets you save on taxes while saving for retirement. This guide explains…

Investing & Retirement

Pillar 3a and Pillar 2 Digital Asset Management Services

Find price comparisons and useful information about asset management solutions for investing Swiss pillar…

Investing & Retirement

Stock Valuation: What is a Stock Really Worth?

What is a stock really worth? The million dollar question has occupied investors ever since the first…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in European Stocks

Are you interested in European stocks and ETFs? This guide answers the most important questions…

Investing & Retirement

The Costs of Online Trading Explained

The fees and hidden charges for investing vary broadly from one stock broker to another. In this guide…

Investing & Retirement

How to Use the Pillar 3a to Pay Less Taxes

Contributing to the pillar 3a can lower your Swiss tax bill. In this guide, answers the…

Investing & Retirement

Pillar 3a Accounts: 8 Key Tips

What should you pay attention to when choosing a Swiss pillar 3a account? Find helpful tips in this…

Investing & Retirement

How Can I Double My Money?

Are you looking to double your money as quickly as possible? In this guide, lists some…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest Money in Switzerland

The Swiss financial center offers investors a broad palette of financial services. Here,…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Low-Volatility Stocks

Get informed about how to invest in stocks and ETFs with low volatility, and find out how suitable they…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Custody Fees Compared

Custodial fees for the safekeeping and management of stocks and bonds vary broadly between Swiss banks…

Investing & Retirement

A Guide to Rebalancing Your Investment Portfolio

In order to stick to your investment strategy, it is sometimes necessary to rebalance your portfolio…

Investing & Retirement

10 Conventional Stock Market Adages Fact-Checked

From falling knives to sell in May and go away: Where did conventional stock adages come from and is…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest Passively

What is passive investing? This guide answers the most important questions.

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in British Stocks

Are you considering an investment in the UK stock market? This guide offers useful information about…

Investing & Retirement

Fees for Transferring Stocks and Other Securities Compared

Swiss banks charge high fees to transfer stocks and other securities to a different bank or stock broker…

Investing & Retirement

Where Can I Earn the Most Interest?

There are countless interest-yielding financial products in Switzerland. Here, breaks these…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a future technology. Get informed about how to invest in AI, and what…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Tech Stocks

Alphabet, Apple, Meta, Microsoft: People who invest in tech stocks generally hope for exceptionally…

Investing & Retirement

How Much Can I Contribute to the Pillar 3a?

How much can you contribute to your third pillar retirement savings? How have contribution limits changed…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Singapore

Are you interested in buying stocks in Singaporean companies? This guide answers the most…

Investing & Retirement

A Financial Guide for Graduates

Your education is complete, your first job contract is signed, and you are finally earning a proper…

Investing & Retirement

When Can I Withdraw Swiss Pillar 3a Savings?

This guide explains the situations in which you can withdraw Swiss pillar 3a retirement savings early…

Investing & Retirement

Stocks: Common Preconceptions Fact-Checked

Many people shy away from investing in stocks – for a variety of reasons. This guide checks…

Investing & Retirement

How to React to Recessions

This guide explains the effects of a recession, and provides simple tips on how to get through an economic…

Investing & Retirement

How War Affects You as an Investor

Hyperinflation, war bonds, stock market crashes: Get informed about how armed conflicts affect your…

Investing & Retirement

What to Do When the Stock Market Crashes

Learn about the strategies used by investors to protect their wealth during a stock market crash in…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Times of High Volatility

These strategies and financial instruments enable investors to react when prices and markets begin to…

Investing & Retirement

How to Find the Right Bank

These tips from can help you choose the right Swiss bank for your specific needs.

Investing & Retirement

Selling Stocks: A Practical Guide

When should I sell a stock? This guide lists possible reasons to sell a stock investment…

Investing & Retirement

Stock Price Targets Explained

The term price target is widely used by the financial press in relation to stocks. This…

Investing & Retirement

A Guide to Ethereum ETFs

Ethereum spot ETFs let you invest in Ether indirectly without buying actual cryptocurrency. This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

How to Find the Right Stockbroker

Do you want to invest in the stock market, but are not sure which stockbroker to use? This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Retirement Funds: Tips for Choosing the Right Funds

Find the most important points to consider when choosing Swiss retirement funds for your pillar 3a or…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Wide-Moat Stocks

Companies that are protected from competition by a wide margin or “moat” would seem like a good investment…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Momentum Stocks

The aim of investing in momentum stocks is to profit from positive price movements. This…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in E-Sports

The video game and e-sports markets are growing rapidly. This guide answers questions about…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest Your Money for Short Terms

Savings accounts, bonds, or stocks? This guide tells you which kinds of investments make…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Football Clubs

Football enjoys a global fanbase and is a multi-billion-franc industry. But as an investment, the sport…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Small-Cap Stocks

Smaller companies listed on stock exchanges, known as small caps, can be used to diversify your investment…

Investing & Retirement

The 70/30 Rule for Stock Investing Explained

The 70/30 rule is very simple: You invest 70 percent in developed countries, and 30 percent in developing…

Investing & Retirement

The Core Satellite Investment Strategy Explained

Some investors swear by the core-satellite strategy, in which your investment portfolio is divided into…

Investing & Retirement

How to Buy Canadian Stocks

Are you considering an investment in the Canadian stock market? This guide provides the most important…

Investing & Retirement

How to invest in Thailand

Are you considering an investment in the Thai stock market? Find useful information in this moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

How to Choose the Right Investment Fund

If you want to invest in investment funds, you will inevitably be faced with a lot of financial jargon…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Precious Metal Account Guide

Bank accounts based on precious metals instead of fiat currencies are offered by many Swiss banks. Get…

Investing & Retirement

How to Choose a Stock to Invest In

Which stocks should I invest in? This guide explains what you should look at when choosing…

Investing & Retirement

Should I Invest in Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies?

These are the most important things you should know before you invest in cryptocurrencies.

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Gold

Get informed about the different ways to invest in gold in Switzerland, and the pros and cons of each…

Investing & Retirement

Gender Lens Investing: What You Should Know

Do you want to use your money to support gender equality and diversity? Here, answers key…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Stock Market Indices Compared

Investors looking to invest in the Swiss stock market using an index are spoiled for choice. This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Tips for Buying Gold in Switzerland

What should you pay attention to when you buy gold? Find the most important tips for buying gold in…

Investing & Retirement

Factors Which Affect Cryptocurrency Prices Explained

Time and again, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu cause a stir with drastic price…

Investing & Retirement

Factors Which Affect the Gold Price Explained

Gold is one of the most popular investment vehicles there is. In this guide, online comparison service…

Investing & Retirement

Sustainable Funds: What to Consider

If you want to invest in sustainability, the question which will likely come up is: What does sustainable…

Investing & Retirement

These Are the ESG Ratings of Swiss Stocks

ESG ratings indicate a company’s sustainability. This guide explains the most important…

Investing & Retirement

7 Investment Strategies You Should Know About

Investing has long ceased to be the privilege of the financial elite. Regular Swiss consumers can now…

Investing & Retirement

Afraid of Inflation? This is How to Protect Your Wealth

Conventional saving has long expired as a means of maintaining and growing wealth. If you want to protect…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Australia

Are you looking to invest down under? This guide answers the most important questions about…

Investing & Retirement

Stock Trading: 8 Common Pitfalls

Trading on the stock market is a source of fascination for people looking to grow their wealth, but…

Investing & Retirement

9 Asset Management Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Asset management services are meant to help you grow and preserve your wealth, and are offered by many…

Investing & Retirement

The Four-Percent Rule Explained

Many people dream of early retirement. The four-percent rule is meant to enable that. This moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Cash: The Pros and Cons

Cash is still a very popular payment method in Switzerland. Here, independent online comparison service…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Africa

Many investors believe that Africa has strong growth potential. This guide provides useful…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Swiss Government Bonds

From Eidgenossen to cantonal bonds: Find out how to invest in Swiss government bonds in this moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

Sustainable Investments: Questions and Answers

ESG-compliant investments are gaining significance. This guide from answers the most important…

Investing & Retirement

Sin Stocks Explained

Tobacco, alcohol, and gambling: answers the most important questions about sin stocks in…

Investing & Retirement

How to React to Investment Losses

What should you do when your investments lose value? Get informed in this guide.

Investing & Retirement

How to Recognize Investment Scams

Learn how to recognize investment scams, from sketchy online trading platforms to Tiktok blurbs, social…

Investing & Retirement

How to Buy Bitcoin in Switzerland

Get informed about how to buy actual bitcoin in Switzerland, and compare the costs of Swiss bitcoin…

Sustainable Investments

The Problems With ESG

Chaotic Ratings, expensive products, low impact: Find a list of classic criticisms of ESG ratings for…

Investing & Retirement

What is a Ponzi Scheme?

From the system employed by Charles Ponzi to those used by Bernie Madoff and Damara Bertges, this article…

Investing & Retirement

This Is How to Get Rich

Hard work, lottery winnings, or large inheritances: This article lists classic examples of how people…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in French Stocks

This explains how to invest in the CAC 40, France’s main stock market index.

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in the Italian Stock Market

Do you want to invest in the FSTE MIB index? This guide answers the most important questions…

Investing & Retirement

How to Buy US Stocks

The stocks of US companies are, without a doubt, the most popular stocks among long-term investors.…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Google

Google is not just a search engine. For some investors, its parent company Alphabet is also a suitable…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in the Nikkei

The Nikkei 225 is one of the most important Asian stock market indexes. Get informed about how to invest…

Investing & Retirement

Earning Income With Airbnb Rentals and Home Sharing in Switzerland

Are you thinking of renting out rooms, apartments, or houses in Switzerland on Airbnb,,…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Tesla

Are you thinking about investing in Tesla? Get answers to the most important questions in this moneyland…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Apple

Are you interested in investing in the US tech giant? Here, answers the most important…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Wine

Are you interested in using wine as an investment vehicle? This guide gives you useful…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in the DAX

The DAX is Germany’s main stock market index. This guide explains what you should pay attention…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Diamonds

Are diamonds a solid investment vehicle? What should you know before making a gemstone investment? Get…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Watches

Exclusive watches can be used as an alternative investment. This guide from answers the…

Investing & Retirement

How to Minimize the Costs of Investing in Bonds

The brokerage fees charged when you buy and sell bonds vary broadly between Swiss banks and stock brokers…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Palladium

Along with gold, silver, and platinum, palladium is among the precious metals that are widely used as…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Platinum

There are a number of different ways to invest in platinum. Get informed about the most important platinum…

Investing & Retirement

How to Invest in Silver

There are a number of different ways in which you can invest in silver. In this guide,…

Investing & Retirement

Tips for Buying Silver in Switzerland

Are you interested in buying silver bullion in the form of bars or coins? This guide provides…

Investing & Retirement

Indirect Amortization of Swiss Mortgages: Does it Make Sense?

This guide explains how indirect amortization of secondary mortgages in Switzerland works, and clarifies…

Investing & Retirement

14 Strange Bits of Trading Jargon Explained

Should a bull buy into a sleeping beauty after a dead cat bounce or hold onto the living dead until…

Investing & Retirement

8 Common Retirement Planning Mistakes

Learn how to avoid some of the most common retirement-planning mistakes in this guide.

Investing & Retirement

CFD Fees and Charges Explained

This guide aims to give you a better understanding of CFD-related costs for a better trading experience…

Investing & Retirement

Fixed Deposits and Medium-Term Notes: Investment Tips

Find out what to consider when investing in fixed deposits, term deposits and medium-term notes from…

Investing & Retirement

9 Rules of Smart Trading

Here, lists 9 bits of investment advice which you can take without a grain of salt.

Investing & Retirement

Shareholder Perks in Switzerland: Complimentary Benefits at Swiss AGMs Explained

Do Swiss companies offer their shareholders more than dividends and possible capital gains? To find…

Investing & Retirement

Interest Rates for Savings in Switzerland Compared Internationally

How do the interest rates of Swiss private accounts, savings accounts, and fixed deposits compare with…

Investing & Retirement

Bank Bankruptcy: Protection for Swiss Bank Customers Explained

Swiss banks are considered exceptionally safe by international standards. But it is still important…

Investing & Retirement

Stock Exchange Fees and Trading Taxes Explained

Which fees and charges do stock exchanges and governments take when you buy and sell stocks using a…

Investing & Retirement

How to Use Fractals in Investing

The fractal financial theory is relatively young. Get informed about the background of this theory,…

Investing & Retirement

How to Trade on the BX Swiss Bern Stock Exchange

Find clear information about the BX Swiss stock exchange, what securities are traded and which brokers…

Investing & Retirement

Classic Cars: Tips for Would-Be Investors

Does investing in classic cars really pay off? If you’re considering collectible vehicles as an investment…

Investing & Retirement

How to Save and Invest Money When Interest Rates Are Low

What should you do with your money when banks pay little or no interest? Find useful information on…

Investing & Retirement

Which is the Oldest Swiss Bank?

Find a list of the oldest Swiss banks, organized by their dates of founding.

Investing & Retirement

Inheritances in Switzerland: A Guide to Who Gets What

What happens to your money and possessions after your death? What inheritances might you be entitled…

Euro-Franc Exchange Rate

How a Strong Swiss Franc Affects You

Cheap holidays, more shopping tourism, struggles for export-oriented Swiss manufacturers. These are…

Investing & Retirement

Executive Pension Plans Explained

Swiss executive pension plans (Kadervorsorge / Prévoyance des cadres) let higher earners in Switzerland…

Investing & Retirement

Passively Managed Funds vs. Actively Managed Funds

Pay attention to the costs of managed funds. Passively managed index funds can work out a lot cheaper…

Investing & Retirement

ANobAG in Switzerland: A Practical Guide

Find all the most important information about the ANobAG Swiss social security status for employees…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Banks with Negative Interest Rates

Which Swiss banks charged negative interest? This guide provides a historical overview…

Investing & Retirement

Personal Finance Basics for Self-Employed People in Switzerland

How does becoming self-employed in Switzerland affect social security, retirement planning, and liability…

Investing & Retirement

Fixed Deposits vs. Medium-Term Notes

Get informed about the differences between Swiss fixed deposits and Swiss medium-term notes in this…

Investing & Retirement

How to Claim Lost Swiss Pension Fund Benefits

Don't lose money when changing employers or leaving Switzerland. Get informed about what happens to…

Investing & Retirement

Structured Product Investment Guide

Find out what structured products are and how to minimize the cost of investing in structured products…

Investing & Retirement

Free Online Trading in Switzerland

Free securities trading has been a hot topic for some time now and has left many Swiss investors wondering…

Investing & Retirement

13 Things to Consider Before Buying a Home in Switzerland

What should you pay attention to when buying a home in Switzerland? How can you get the most out of…

Investing & Retirement

Real Estate Crowdfunding in Switzerland

What is real estate crowdfunding and does it make sense for Swiss investors? Get a clear overview in…

Investing & Retirement

The Costs of Investing in ETFs Explained

This guide explains the costs of investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in Switzerland…

Investing & Retirement

Term Life Insurance vs. Mixed Life Insurance

What is the difference between term life insurance and mixed life insurance? Get clear answers in this…

Investing & Retirement

Shiba Inu Cryptocurrency: The Facts Behind the Hype

What is the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency and what actual value does it have? Is it worth investing in this…

Investing & Retirement

Forex Trading Costs Explained

Today, online forex brokers make investing in currencies easier than ever. Learn about the costs of…

Investing & Retirement

Wealth Management: Costs to Consider

When choosing a wealth manager, it is important that investors look beyond past performance and fancy…

Investing & Retirement

The Compound Interest Effect

Can you save your way to wealth? Check out’s report on the surprising effect of compounding…

Investing & Retirement

Asset Management Risks

Investing your assets comes with a long list of risks. Get informed about possible asset management…

Investing & Retirement

How to Choose an Independent Asset Manager

Get informed about things to consider when choosing an independent asset manager in this…

Investing & Retirement

Retirement Fund Costs Explained

Find useful information about the costs to consider when choosing Swiss vested benefits and pillar 3a…

Investing & Retirement

Private Bankers in Switzerland – Yesterday and Today

Swiss private banks benefit from a rich history of financial management and banking traditions. Their…

Investing & Retirement

CFD Trading - the Risks Explained

What are the risks of CFD trading and how can you minimize them? Find answers to these questions in…

Investing & Retirement

Online Trading: Differences Between Swiss Brokers

There are major differences between Swiss online brokers. Get informed about differences in services…

Investing & Retirement

Investment Fund Accounts in Switzerland Explained

Find out how investment fund accounts in Switzerland work, what they cost, and whether they can benefit…

Investing & Retirement

Cross-Border Workers in Switzerland: A Financial Guide

Do you live in France, Germany, Austria or Italy and work in Switzerland? Find the most important information…

Investing & Retirement

Stock Broker Orders Explained

Placing the right kind of order with your securities broker can mean the difference between pain and…

Investing & Retirement

Bitcoin Savings Accounts – a Basic Guide

What is a bitcoin savings account, how does it work and how is it different from a bitcoin wallet? Find…

Investing & Retirement

Comparing Comparison Websites

Online comparison portals have been around for a long time. But newcomers and new technologies are disrupting…

Investing & Retirement

Vested Benefits Accounts: Choosing the Right Account

Find helpful tips for choosing the right vested benefits account in this guide.

Investing & Retirement

Independent Asset Management: Key Participants

The key participants in an independent asset management relationship are the customer, the wealth manager…

Investing & Retirement

Investment Properties in Switzerland

How do you calculate property investment dividends or find the real investment value of a property?…

Investing & Retirement

How Many Vested Benefits Accounts Can You Have?

How many vested benefits accounts can you legally open in Switzerland? Read this guide…

Investing & Retirement

Strategy Funds in Switzerland Explained

There are hundreds of Swiss strategy funds. The fees and components vary between strategy funds. In…

Investing & Retirement

Swiss Pension Funds: Lump Sum or Pension?

Learn the key factors that determine whether you are better off receiving a regular pension or withdrawing…

Investing & Retirement

Wealth Management Services Explained

Learn about wealth management services in this simple guide.

Investing & Retirement

Wealth Management: The Pros and Cons Explained

This guide looks at the advantages and the disadvantages of conventional wealth management…