structured products investing guide
Investing & Retirement

Structured Product Investment Guide

August 15, 2022 - Benjamin Manz

Find out what structured products are and how to minimize the cost of investing in structured products in Switzerland in this guide.

Structured products are fairly complex investment instruments, and can be a puzzle for those outside of the investment arena. That may explain why structured products are primarily used by career investors, firms, banks and asset managers. But structured products are also used by some private investors and traders. With an estimated 200 billion francs invested in this way, Switzerland is the world’s biggest structured product market.

Structured products in Switzerland

In Switzerland, these investment products are issued by Leonteq Securities, Bank J. Safra Sarasin, Bank Julius Baer, Bank Vontobel, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, UBS and the Zürcher Kantonalbank, among others.

From wealth preservation, yield enhancement and active management products, to more risky leveraged products, Swiss issuers offer a broad structured product portfolio. Customized products tailored to customer needs are an option, albeit primarily for high-value investments.

Structured products: Compare costs

As with all financial services, it’s important that you understand the products you’re buying before you sign on the dotted line. Comparing the fees charged by different providers is equally as important.

But product fees are not the only expense which will take a bite out of your returns. The transaction costs charged by Swiss banks and brokers every time you buy or sell a structured product are often comparable to those of stock trades and can hit your money pretty hard. This is especially true for charges levied by large banks.

If you trade structured products frequently, the difference in fees charged by the cheapest online brokers and the most expensive banks can add up to thousands of francs every year. And that’s only taking basic trading and custody fees into account.

A no-nonsense comparison of product fees can help you minimize the costs of investing in structured products.

You can easily compare structured product brokerage and custody fees using’s unbiased and completely independent online trading comparison tool.

Under Profile selection select Swiss structured products before moving to the product comparison page. Selecting Individual profile just below Swiss structured products on the Profile selection list lets you customize the comparison criteria by adding the number of transactions and value per transaction that best match your structured product investment needs.

More information:
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Trading platforms

Brokers with low fees

Swiss Broker

Saxo Bank Switzerland

  • Licensed Swiss bank (FINMA)

  • No custody fees when securities lending is activated

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Swiss Broker


  • Swiss online bank

  • No custody fees for stocks

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Choice of digital asset managers

Robo advisor

True Wealth

  • BLKB as partner and custody bank

  • Flat fee: 0.5% - 0.25%

  • Free test account

Robo Advisor


  • Digital asset manager

  • An offer from the bank CIC

  • Free test account

Digital asset management


  • Digital financial assistant

  • Free investment plan

  • Free test account

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Swiss wealth managers

Digital Private Banking

Managed by Alpian

  • Unlimited access to wealth advisor

  • No additional bank account charges

  • Customized portfolios

Robo advisor

Bank CIC cleverinvest

  • Digital asset manager

  • Flat fee of 0.5%

  • Already from CHF 1000

Online wealth management

PostFinance E-Investment Management

  • Digital wealth management

  • From CHF 5000

  • Direct opening possible

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Expert Benjamin Manz
Benjamin Manz is CEO of and an independent expert on banking and finance.
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