Use these unbiased investment and retirement comparisons and calculators to easily perform complex calculations and find the best solutions.
Comparisons & Calculators
Use these unbiased investment and retirement comparisons and calculators to easily perform complex calculations and find the best solutions.
The stock calculator makes it easy to calculate returns on stock investments.
Use the calculatorCompare Swiss stock brokers with this unbiased, interactive trading comparison.
Compare nowCompare Swiss CFD brokers to find the most affordable broker for your trading needs.
Compare nowCompare Swiss wealth management services and find the most favorable option for your investment needs.
Compare nowFind the most favorable Swiss medium-term notes based on yields and possible costs.
Compare nowFind the most favorable Swiss fixed deposits for your savings and investment needs.
Compare nowFind the most favorable pillar 3a accounts for your tax-privileged retirement savings.
Compare nowCompare the historical costs and performance of Swiss pillar 2 and pillar 3 retirement funds.
Compare nowCompare Swiss vested benefits accounts for occupational pension benefits based on yields and possible costs.
Compare nowUse these powerful Swiss retirement calculators to plan your retirement saving.
Use the calculatorsUse these investment calculators to perform many different calculations related to investing and trading.
Use the calculatorsFind useful information which can help you make better investment and retirement-planning decisions in these guides.
Browse the guidesSwiss Retirement Funds
Piguet Galland retirement fund
Custody account at Vaud Cantonal Bank
3a and vested benefits
Different variants for equity component
Retirement funds of BLKB
BLKB iQ Fund - Responsible Equity
Retirement funds with low costs
3a and vested benefits
Piguet Galland retirement fund
Custody account at Vaud Cantonal Bank
Brokers with low fees
Cornèrtrader Special Offer
Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users
No custody account fees for shares
Swiss online bank with FINMA license
Cheap bank accounts with card
Cheap bank accounts with card
UBS key4
50 KeyClub points as a welcome gift
Online private account with debit card
High interest on your everyday account
Best exchange rates
Up to 1% of card spending as saveback in the investment portfolio
No account fees
Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance
CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»
CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.
Favorable foreign exchange rates
Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP)