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Swiss Medium-Term Note Comparison 2025

Only on moneyland.ch: Compare Swiss medium-term notes, fixed deposits and term deposits. Compare Swiss medium-term notes now

The data are checked regularly. Interest rate data is updated every month. Last update of the interest data: March 18, 2025.

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Swiss Medium-Term Note Comparison FAQs

Simply use the interactive medium-term note comparison on moneyland.ch. The unbiased comparison lists all relevant medium-term notes which match your criteria. Note that the fixed annual interest rates of the medium-term notes from the same bank can vary based on the deposit term. The rule of thumb is: the longer the term, the higher the interest rate.

The fixed deposit, medium-term note and term deposit comparison on moneyland.ch is the most comprehensive unbiased Swiss comparison of its kind.

The comparison accounts for different currencies (Swiss francs, euros, US dollars), as well as possible bonuses and costs. You easily can sort all offers based on yields and your preferred deposit term.

Some banks charge custodial fees (safekeeping fees) for medium-term notes, or contractual fees. These are automatically accounted for in the comparison.

Swiss medium-term notes are similar to bank bonds and fixed-rate certificates of deposit (CDs). They are securitized debt obligations issued by banks by which a bank promises to pay interest on a deposited amount of money at a predetermined, fixed annual interest rate over a predetermined, fixed interest term. Medium-term notes are not tradable securities, so their value does not fluctuate based on market demand.

Swiss medium-term notes have fixed terms of between 1 and 10 years to maturity. The interest rate is predetermined at the start of the investment term and applies throughout the life of the medium-term note until it reaches maturity.

Medium-term notes are commonly sold in 1000-franc denominations. For this reason, a minimum of 1000 francs is typically required to invest in medium-term notes. However, some banks also offer medium-term notes in 500-franc and 5000-franc denominations.

Medium-term notes typically have higher interest rates than savings accounts. This is particularly true for medium-term notes with mid to long terms. The balances of savings accounts are deposits, while medium-term notes are securities. The interest rates of medium-term notes are fixed, while those of savings accounts are variable.

You can only withdraw the capital invested in medium-term notes when they reach maturity at the end of their terms. Savings account balances can be withdrawn in part on demand, or in full on relatively short notice (typically a maximum of 6 months). So medium-term notes have an advantage in that you know the exact interest you will earn before you invest. Savings accounts have an advantage in that you can access your capital at any time.

Medium-term notes, fixed deposits and term deposits all deliver yields at a fixed rate over a fixed term. With all of these investment vehicles, you can only withdraw your capital at the end of the investment term.

Medium-term notes are securities, fixed deposits are not. However, both of these deliver interest at a fixed rate over a fixed term. The primary difference is that medium-term notes are securities and must be held in a custody account, while fixed deposits are bank accounts. Other than that, there are few real differences for you as the depositor. For this reason, the moneyland.ch comparison lets you compare Swiss medium-term notes and fixed deposits together.

You can find more information in the guide to the differences between medium-term notes and term deposits.

Yes. Medium-term notes are not classified as privileged assets. However, like Swiss savings accounts, medium-term notes issued by Swiss banks are covered by the Swiss depositor protection scheme up to a maximum of 100,000 francs per bank and customer.

Interest delivered by medium-term notes is subject to the 35% anticipatory withholding tax for interest yields. This anticipatory tax is only withheld for yields in excess of a 200-franc threshold.

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