Banking News

News from independent online comparison service covering current developments in the Swiss banking sector. Get unbiased reports free of charge.

Banking News

Twint Introduces Payment Links

Twint is now offering payment links and an express checkout service. Ralf Beyeler from…

Banking News

Proposed Tax Hike for Swiss Retirement Savings: An Analysis

If the Swiss Federal Council has its way, the taxes for lump-sum withdrawals of pillar 3a savings and…

Banking News

Savings Interest Rates Trending Downwards

The phase of climbing interest rates was short-lived. The interest rates of Swiss savings accounts have…

Banking News

Interest Rates for Two-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages Hit Annual Low

Since last Thursday’s surprising decision by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to substantially lower its…

Banking News

Interest Rates for Pillar 3a Accounts in 2024 studied the interest rates and costs of Swiss pillar 3a accounts in December 2024. As with…

Banking News

Viac Launches a Fund Savings Plan

Viac, best known for its pillar 3a robo advisor, has just launched a fund-based savings plan, Viac Invest…

Banking News

Pillar 3a Retirement Fund and Robo Advisor Comparison 2024 analyzed the costs and performance of pillar 3a retirement funds and pillar 3a robo advisors…

Banking News

Swiss Mutual Fund and ETF Savings Plan Cost Comparison

In the past, savings plans were a somewhat niche banking product in Switzerland. Now, even neobanks…

Banking News

Swiss Savings Account Interest Rates Shrink analyzed the interest rates of Swiss savings accounts. The results show that many banks…

Banking News

Pillar 3a Contributions in Arrears Coming Soon

From 2026 it will be possible to fill gaps in your pillar 3a retirement savings in arrears. In this…

Banking News

Swiss Fixed-Rate Mortgage Interest Rates at Their Lowest Since 2022

Since the middle of this year, the mortgage index has gone in one direction only – downwards…

Banking News

Swiss Retirement Saving App Cost Comparison

The online comparison service studied the costs of digital asset management solutions for…

Banking News

Fixed Deposit Interest Rates: Big Differences Between Swiss Banks

The interest rates for fixed deposit accounts and medium-term notes differ substantially between Swiss…

Banking News

The WIR Bank Top Bank Package Reviewed

The WIR Bank has launched a new Top bank package with a private account and debit card, and exceptionally…

Banking News

The New M+ Bank Package from Migros Reviewed

M+ is the new bank package from Migros. A analysis reveals that the product is made up…

Banking News

Asset Management Cost Comparison

A new analysis shows that conventional asset management in Switzerland remains expensive…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgage Interest Rates Reach a New Low

The Swiss Mortgage Index shows rapidly falling mortgage interest rates since the beginning…

Banking News

Instant Bank Transfers Are Coming Soon

The launch of instant payments in Switzerland – which is scheduled for around one month from now – will…

Banking News

These Are the Cheapest Swiss Credit Cards

Online comparison service examined the costs and benefits of 128 Swiss credit cards. Differences…

Banking News

Swiss Neobank Cost Comparison

Online comparison service compared current neobank offers. Radicant and Wise currently…

Banking News

Wero Mobile Wallet: Added Value for Swiss Consumers?

Like the Swiss mobile payment solution Twint, the new European mobile wallet Wero lets its users make…

Banking News

Customer Satisfaction With Swiss Banks: Security Tops, Interest Rates Flop

The online comparison service conducted a survey of customer satisfaction with Swiss banks…

Banking News

First Reductions in Interest Rates for Savings analyzed the interest rates for savings in Switzerland. The results show that some banks…

Banking News

Varying Satisfaction with Swiss Credit Cards surveyed customer satisfaction with Swiss credit cards. Satisfaction varies between different…

Banking News

How the Lower SNB Key Interest Rate Affects You

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has lowered its interest rates sooner than was generally expected. moneyland…

Banking News

Swiss Banks Show Deficits in Online Account Opening

Many Swiss bank accounts still cannot be opened online. That is especially true for savings accounts…

Banking News

Bank Customers Could Save More Than 13 Billion Francs per Year

An analysis by online comparison services shows that Swiss consumers lose over 13 billion…

Banking News

Mortgage Interest Rate Dive Ends

The substantial drop in the interest rates of Swiss fixed-rate mortgages has ended, for the time being…

Banking News

How Swiss Retirement Funds Performed in 2023

Conventional pillar 3a retirement funds gained 6.3 percent in 2023. The performance of retirement funds…

Banking News

Saxo Bank Switzerland Lowers Its Trading Fees

Saxo Bank (Switzerland) has lowered its fees for investing. analyzed the new fees and compared…

Banking News

Interest Rates, Fees, and Rents: What We Can Expect in 2024

Interest rates, banking fees, and mobile plans: This report looks at what we can expect…

Banking News

The ZKB Abolishes Basic Fees for Private Accounts and Debit Cards

The Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) will reduce its annual fees from January 2024. This report…

Banking News

Interest Rates for Loans Are Going Up

New maximum interest rates will apply to Swiss consumer loans from 2024. The federal government is raising…

Banking News

Fixed-Rate Mortgages Reach a New Low

The interest rates of Swiss mortgages have been going down since mid-July 2023. According to the moneyland…

Banking News

Low Interest Rates Due to Lack of Willingness to Change Banks

A study of interest rates for savings in Switzerland shows that yields are still low, with the average…

Banking News

Huge Differences in the Pillar 3a analyzed the costs and performance of pillar 3a retirement funds. Conventional pillar 3a…

Banking News

Saron Mortgages Are No Longer Cheaper Than Fixed-Rate Mortgages

According to the Swiss mortgage index, the average cost of SARON mortgages is the same…

Banking News

Coop Launches a Neobank

Swiss retailer Coop is launching a mobile banking service under the Coop Finance Plus brand that bundles…

Banking News

This Is What Swiss Asset Management Costs

A new cost analysis shows that traditional Swiss asset management services are expensive…

Banking News

Credit Suisse Is Going Away: No Major Loss From a Product Perspective

A analysis of the banking offers from Credit Suisse reveals that there are more favorable…

Banking News

This Is What Swiss Investment Apps Cost analyzed Swiss digital asset management services. Most of these Internet-based services…

Banking News

Neon Invest Reviewed

Swiss neobank Neon is now offering trading and investing in stocks and ETFs. In this review, moneyland…

Banking News

Major Cost Differences Between Swiss Credit Cards studied the fees and features of 130 Swiss credit cards. Differences between individual…

Banking News

These Are the Best Swiss Neobanks

Online comparison service compared offers from neobanks ahead of the summer travel season…

Banking News

Interest Rates for Fixed-Rate Mortgages Now at Nearly 3 Percent for All Terms

The Swiss mortgage index by shows that the annual interest rates of Swiss fixed-rate mortgages…

Banking News

High Yields for Swiss Medium-Term Notes

The interest rates of Swiss medium-term notes are the highest they have ever been since the moneyland…

Banking News

Postfinance Debit Cards Now Support Apple Pay

With immediate effect, Postfinance customers can link their debit cards to Apple Pay, enabling them…

Banking News

Swiss Have Become Less Content

Family, job, politics: The new Swiss Personal Satisfaction Study from shows how content…

Banking News

Swiss Savings Account Interest Rates Continue to Climb

Interest rates are going up across more than 100 savings account offers from Swiss banks in the beginning…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card Customer Satisfaction in 2023 asked Swiss how satisfied they are with their credit cards. The answers show that customer…

Banking News

Swiss Are More Likely to Change Their Doctor Than Their Bank

Phone, bank, health insurance: This new survey shows which things Swiss are most ready…

Banking News

What Swiss Are Most Worried About

Money, war, sickness: The 2023 Swiss Worry Study by reveals what residents of Switzerland…

Banking News

Higher Interest Rates for Swiss Consumer Loans

On May 1, 2023, the maximum legal interest rate for personal loans and account overdrafts will increase…

Banking News

Mortgage Interest Rates Poised to Reach New Highs

The interest rates of Swiss fixed-rate mortgages are at their highest point so far this year, as the…

Banking News

Rents In Switzerland Are Poised to Climb

Interest rates are climbing – and the cost of housing is rising with them. Rent increases for existing…

Banking News

The Cost of Mortgages Has Doubled Over the Past Year

If you want to buy a house or apartment, you will now have to pay twice as much for a mortgage than…

Banking News

Personal Loans Now Cost More

Borrowers who want Swiss personal loans now have to reach ever deeper into their pockets: The average…

Banking News

Inflation in 2022: The Biggest Price Increases

2022 saw inflation in Switzerland climb to its highest level in three decades. This article reveals…

Banking News

2023 Marks Upward Turn for Interest on Savings

Things are moving in the Swiss savings account market, with interest rates climbing steadily. An analysis…

Banking News

The Best Pillar 3a Savings Accounts

This study by examines the interest rates and costs of pillar 3a accounts in Switzerland…

Banking News

Black Friday Offers From Banks and Financial Service Providers in Switzerland

Swiss financial services providers are joining in on Black Friday sales, with several banks and credit…

Banking News

This is What Swiss Asset Managers Cost analyzed the costs of Swiss asset management services. Swiss wealth management mandates…

Banking News

Big Differences Between Pillar 3a Retirement Funds examined the costs and performance of Swiss retirement funds. Some retirement funds cost…

Banking News

These Are the Cheapest Swiss Investment Apps analyzed the costs of Swiss digital asset management services in 2022. The study shows…

Banking News

True Wealth Now Offering Pillar 3a

New competition for digital pillar 3a asset managers: True Wealth has launched a retirement saving solution…

Banking News

Swiss Retirement Saving Apps Compared

Independent online comparison service analyzed the costs of digital asset management apps…

Banking News

These are the Cheapest Neobanks in Switzerland

Neobanks are becoming more popular in Switzerland. Online comparison service compared seven…

Banking News

What Would Happen if Credit Suisse Went Bankrupt?

Rumors that Credit Suisse is at risk of going bankrupt are currently making their rounds. Here, moneyland…

Banking News

Are Swiss Banks Paying Interest Again?

The negative interest regime is finally drawing to a close! Does that mean Swiss banks are paying higher…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgage Interest Rates Reach New Record Highs

Even before the Swiss and US central banks announce their key interest rate decisions next week, Swiss…

Banking News

Euro-Franc Rate Continues to Hit Record Lows

The Swiss franc has been continually gaining against the euro. The European Central Bank (ECB) is trying…

Banking News

Deposit Slips: Act Now!

The old deposit slips can only be used for a few more days. From October 2022, you will only be able…

Banking News

Cash Declines in Significance

The 2022 Swiss payments survey by reveals how Swiss pay for purchases at stores and online…

Banking News

CSX: How Good Are the New Bank Packages?

Credit Suisse is now offering new bank packages under the CSX brand. analyses the new offers…

Banking News

First Swiss Stock Broker Introduces Free Trading

The Swiss bank Flowbank now offers purchases of Swiss stocks with no brokerage fees. took…

Banking News

How Swiss Invest Their Wealth in 2022

Bank account balances, stocks, or cash under their mattress: A new survey reveals how Swiss…

Banking News

This Is How Much Swiss Bankers Really Earn

How high are salaries in the Swiss financial sector? A analysis reveals that most Swiss…

Banking News

The Migros Cumulus Credit Card Successors Compared

Both Cembra Money Bank and Migros are launching new credit cards which are replacing the popular Migros…

Banking News

Huge Differences Between Swiss Credit Cards

Independent online comparison service examined the terms and conditions of 168 Swiss credit…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgage Interest Rates Reach 10-Year High After SNB Announcement

The raising of the Swiss National Bank’s key interest rate is also impacting the mortgage market. Swiss…

Banking News

First Swiss Banks Reduce Negative Interest Rates

For the first time in over a decade, the Swiss National Bank is raising its interest rate. Here, moneyland…

Banking News

Who Do Swiss Trust the Most?

Swiss trust fire fighters more than doctors, and bankers less than taxi drivers. Find out which professionals…

Banking News

How Satisfied Are Swiss With Their Credit Cards?

Which credit cards are most popular in Switzerland? How satisfied are Swiss with their credit cards?…

Banking News

Postfinance Retirement Funds Become More Expensive

Postfinance has revised its four pillar 3a retirement funds. The most important change: Customers will…

Banking News

Bank Customers Could Save 10.7 Billion Francs

Swiss rarely change banks, and that habit is taking a direct toll on their wallets: Every year, Swiss…

Banking News

PostFinance Card Now Doubles as a Debit Mastercard

PostFinance customers will be receiving new PostFinance debit cards. The new Postcard doubles as a Debit…

Banking News

The Best-Performing Swiss Stocks of the Past 20 Years

The best-performing SPI stocks have delivered returns of more than 6000 percent over the past 20 years…

Banking News

War in Ukraine Drives Mortgages Up

As the Ukraine crisis endures, interest rates for Swiss 10-year fixed rate mortgages (FRMs) have climbed…

Banking News

Franc and Euro Reach Parity

1 franc for 1 euro: Parity is the new reality thanks to worldwide economic worries and the Ukraine crisis…

Banking News

PostFinance Credit Cards Now With Higher Fees

PostFinance is raising credit card fees for spending outside of Switzerland and adding a fee for gambling…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgage Interest Rates Reach a Multi-Year High

Mortgages are the most expensive they have been since 2018. The interest rates of 10-year fixed-rate…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgages Become More Expensive

On the whole, mortgages in Switzerland became costlier in 2021, as the mortgage index shows…

Banking News

Retirement Accounts Now Yield Almost No Interest compared the interest rates and costs of Swiss pillar 3a accounts and vested benefits accounts…

Banking News

Massive Differences Between Pillar 3a Funds examined the performance and fees of Swiss retirement funds in 2021. The results show that…

Banking News

Fear of Inflation Drives Mortgages to Multi-Year High

Since the end of August 2021, the Swiss Mortgage Index from has shown climbing interest…

Banking News

Swiss Loan Survey 2021: What Swiss Borrow Money For

Cars, homes, furniture: These are the most common reasons why residents of Switzerland get loans. The…

Banking News

Amazon, Facebook, and Google Not Likely to Replace Swiss Banks

Residents of Switzerland can hardly imagine banking at non-conventional financial service providers.…

Banking News

Swiss Asset Management Study 2021

Independent Swiss online comparison service studied the costs of Swiss asset management…

Banking News

The Stocks Behind Sustainable Investment Funds

Sustainable products are widely advertised by Swiss banks. But is there really a difference between…

Banking News

How Switzerland is Responding to Negative Interest Rates

Withdrawing money. Closing bank accounts. Investing in stocks. Online comparison service…

Banking News

PostFinance Cards: Payments up to 100 Francs Without a PIN

From August, PostFinance debit cards will have a higher limit for NFC payments without a PIN. moneyland…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgages Become Cheaper Again

The Swiss mortgage index shows that mortgages interest rates are sinking again. Inflation…

Banking News

What Are the Real Reasons for Negative Interest Rates at Swiss Banks?

Why do customers of Swiss banks have to pay negative interest on their account balances? Swiss online…

Banking News

The Cheapest Swiss Credit Cards 2021

Independent online comparison service studied the costs and features of more than 160 Swiss…

Banking News

Mortgage Interest Rates Stabilize

Mortgage interest rates in Switzerland have begun to rise to a somewhat higher level since March 2021…

Banking News

PostFinance Expands Its Negative Interest Rates

The Swiss postal bank PostFinance is lowering its threshold for negative interest rates on account balances…

Banking News

Yuh: The Neobank From Swissquote and PostFinance

Yuh is a newly-launched Swiss neobank and a joint venture between Swiss banks Swissquote and PostFinance…

Banking News

LIBOR Mortgages: Can I Claim Interest Reimbursements?

Many banks have charged mortgagors interest for LIBOR mortgages even when the LIBOR rate was negative…

Banking News

PostFinance Now Offering Personal Loans

PostFinance is now offering personal loans in collaboration with bob Finance. analyzed…

Banking News

Swiss Online Shopping and Mobile Shopping Survey 2021

Independent online comparison service conducted a representative survey to determine how…

Banking News

New UBS me Bank Packages Reviewed

UBS is revamping its bank package offers. Find clear information in this review by independent Swiss…

Banking News

Visa Free Credit Card from Migros Bank Reviewed

With the launch of Visa Free, Migros Bank is adding a new “free” credit card to the Swiss market. Migros…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021

The 2021 Swiss credit card customer satisfaction survey by reveals the satisfaction of…

Banking News

IKEA Family Credit Card Reviewed

IKEA is issuing a new credit card in collaboration with Cembra Money Bank. Find answers to your questions…

Banking News

New PostFinance Bank Packages and Higher Fees

PostFinance is introducing new bank packages and raising some fees from July 1, 2021. The changes will…

Banking News

How Swiss are Investing During the Corona Crisis

The 2021 Swiss investment survey by independent online comparison service reveals that…

Banking News

Debit Cards from Swiss Banks Overview

Which Swiss banks offer the new Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit payment cards? Independent online comparison…

Banking News

Corona: Cash Is No Longer the Most Important Payment Method in Switzerland

The Swiss payments survey conducted by independent online comparison service in the midst…

Banking News

Coronavirus Crisis: Mortgage Interest Rates Climb Again

The mortgage index published by independent Swiss online comparison service has shown an…

Banking News

GameStop Hype: Could it Happen in Switzerland?

The hype surrounding the stock of US retailer GameStop has caused no small stir. But could the same…

Banking News

Retirement Funds Perform Well in Spite of Corona

Switzerland’s independent online comparison service analyzed the performance of Swiss retirement…

Banking News

Swiss Post Office Phasing Out Inpayment Slips

The Swiss Post and PostFinance will permanently phase out red and orange inpayment slips on September…

Banking News

UBS Raises Its Fees

Major Swiss bank UBS is raising some of its banking fees in 2021. Independent online comparison service…

Banking News

How to Save Money in 2021

Save money on banking, insurance and telecom in 2021 with these tips from independent online comparison…

Banking News

Pillar 3a Interest Rate and Cost Comparison

The 2020 pillar 3a savings account comparison by independent online comparison service…

Banking News

PostFinance Cards Now Work With Samsung Pay

Credit cards and prepaid cards from Swiss postal bank PostFinance can now be used with Samsung Pay.

Banking News

Big Differences Between Swiss Retirement Funds

Switzerland’s independent online comparison service analyzed the costs and performance…

Banking News

New Comparison Platform Now Live

Independent Swiss online comparison service has been completely upgraded to a new, more…

Banking News

UBS Launches Visa Debit and Debit Mastercard

UBS is introducing new debit cards and raising its card fees. Independent Swiss online comparison service…

Banking News

CSX: Credit Suisse Enters the Digital Banking Arena

Independent Swiss online comparison service analyzed the new CSX digital banking service…

Banking News

Credit Suisse Pulls the Plug on the Neue Aargauer Bank

Credit Suisse subsidiary the Neue Aargauer Bank (NAB) is shuttering its operations. Find answers to…

Banking News

Raiffeisen Rio Robo Advisor FAQ

The Swiss Raiffeisen banking group has launched Raiffeisen Rio, a digital asset management service.…

Banking News

UBS Mastercard Global Cards Reviewed

UBS has launched new credit cards which it markets as having favorable conditions for international…

Banking News

Swiss Asset Management: Major Cost Differences Between Banks

An analysis of wealth management costs in Switzerland reveals that while fees are generally high, conventional…

Banking News

Interest on Savings Accounts: How Bad Are Current Rates from a Historical Standpoint?

Independent online comparison service studied developments in savings account interest…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card Comparison 2020

Independent online comparison service analyzed the benefits and costs of more than 160…

Banking News

Manor Launches No-Annual-Fee Credit Card

Swiss retailer Manor has launched a credit card with no annual fee. Independent online comparison service…

Banking News

Apple Pay and Google Pay: Swiss Banks Rethink Their Strategies

Mobile payments are becoming more popular in Switzerland. This analysis by independent Swiss online…

Banking News

Swisscard Introduces Google Pay

Swisscard cardholders can now use Google Pay to make payments.

Banking News

How Profitable Are Swiss Stocks?

Independent online comparison service analyzed the historical performance of Swiss stocks…

Banking News

Cornèrtrader Launches Simplified Platform for Investors

Swiss online broker Cornèrtrader has restructured its trading platforms and introduced its new Invest…

Banking News

Credit Suisse: Debit Mastercard replaces Maestro

Credit Suisse will use the Debit Mastercard as its standard debit card in place of the Maestro card…

Banking News

Pillar 3a Contributions in Arrears Coming Soon

It will soon be possible to make up for missed Swiss pillar 3a private retirement contribution allowances…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card Survey 2020

The 2020 Swiss credit card survey shows that on the whole, customer satisfaction with Swiss credit cards…

Banking News

Coronavirus Crisis: Swiss Mortgage Interest Rates Sinking Again

The 2020 Swiss Mortgage Index from independent online comparison service shows a new drop…

Banking News

UBS Credit Cards Now Work With Google Pay and Samsung Pay

Starting now, Swiss UBS credit cards can be used with Google Pay and Samsung Pay.

Banking News

PostFinance Launches Digital Wealth Management Service

PostFinance is launching a digital wealth management service. Independent online comparison service…

Banking News

Switzerland Expensive for Most Residents

Is life in Switzerland too expensive? A survey of consumer perception of prices in Switzerland by independent…

Banking News

UBS and Raiffeisen to Adopt Apple Pay

UBS and Raiffeisen will be enabling Apple Pay for their cardholders within 2020. This move puts the…

Banking News

Coronavirus: 10 Possible Trends

What concrete effects is corona having on Switzerland? Independent online comparison service moneyland…

Banking News

How the Swiss Invest Their Money: Survey 2020

The 2020 Swiss investment habit survey by independent online comparison service reveals…

Banking News

Coronavirus Crisis: Guide for Swiss Investors

The coronavirus crisis has put the global economy on ice. This guide explains what Swiss…

Banking News

Coronavirus Crisis Personal Finance Optimization Guide

Find out how to optimize your personal finances across banking, insurance and telecom during the coronavirus…

Banking News

Contactless Payments: Higher PIN-Free Limits

The limit for PIN-free contactless payments with Swiss payment cards is being raised from 40 to 80 francs…

Banking News

Coronavirus Business Loans: A Practical Guide

The Swiss federal government and the Swiss National Bank are partnering with Swiss banks to offer emergency…

Banking News

Coronavirus Crisis: Insecurity Plaguing Mortgage Rates

The mortgage index reached a historical low at the beginning of March 2020. But interest…

Banking News

frankly Pillar 3a App from ZKB Review

frankly is the new app-based Pillar 3a investment solution from the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB). Here…

Banking News

Coronavirus Crisis: How Secure are Swiss Banks?

The coronavirus crisis could drive banks around the world into financial difficulties. Independent online…

Banking News

WhatsApp-Based Customer Service Survey: Swiss Companies Cautious

Several Swiss companies are pioneering the use of WhatsApp for customer service. But a survey by moneyland…

Banking News

Viseca Now Supports Google Pay

Swiss credit card issuer Viseca is now supporting Google Pay. Find the details in this analysis by independent…

Banking News

Revolut, Neon & Co. Cheapest for International Card Transactions

Independent Swiss comparison service compared payment cards from Revolut, Wise (TransferWise…

Banking News

New Debit Cards from Swiss Banks

Many Swiss banks will begin issuing Debit Mastercard and Visa Debit cards to private account holders…

Banking News

Cornèrcard Now Offering Cash Back Credit Cards

Swiss credit card issuer Cornèrcard is adding cash back as a feature on some of its credit cards. Independent…

Banking News

PostFinance Expands Negative Interest Rates

On March 1, 2020, PostFinance will raise its negative interest rate from the current -1% to a more average…

Banking News

Swiss Savers Feel the Squeeze

Independent online comparison service studied interest rates across Swiss savings accounts. The results…

Banking News

Mortgage Rates in Hibernation

The mortgage index published by independent online comparison service has trended sideways…

Banking News

Mastercard Send: P2P Money Transfers from Swiss Bankers

Swiss prepaid card issuer Swiss Bankers, in collaboration with Mastercard, has launched the Mastercard…

Banking News

Pillar 3a: Major Differences in Interest Rates

A comparison of the interest rates of Swiss pillar 3a savings accounts shows major differences between…

Banking News

Swiss Retirement Funds: Major Differences Between Funds

Switzerland’s independent online comparison services studied the performance and costs…

Banking News

Mortgage Interest Rates Climb Again

Swiss fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) rates have climbed once more, with the mortgage index showing…

Banking News

Viseca Now Supports Apple Pay

Swiss credit card issuer Viseca now supports Apple Pay. Find the details in this report…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Cards: Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019

How satisfied are Swiss credit card users with their cards? The 2019 credit card customer satisfaction…

Banking News

Swiss Worry Survey: What Switzerland Worries About

What have Swiss got to worry about? Independent online comparison service conducted a representative…

Banking News

Mobile Bank N26 Launches in Switzerland

German mobile bank N26 is now offering euro accounts to residents of Switzerland. Independent online…

Banking News

Swiss Bankers: Changes to Prepaid Card Fees

Swiss payment card issuer Swiss Bankers is making changes to its fees as from September 1, 2019. Get…

Banking News

Bargaining in Switzerland: Survey

A representative survey of Swiss bargaining habits by independent online comparison service moneyland…

Banking News

How Would Swiss Use a Million-Franc Windfall?

How would the average Swiss consumer use 1 million Swiss francs if they had it? A representative survey…

Banking News

Zurich’s Cantonal Bank Lowers Savings Interest Rates

The Zürcher Kantonalbank is lowering the interest rates of its savings accounts. Get informed about…

Banking News

Swiss Migration Survey

A survey by independent online comparison service reveals how likely Swiss are to change…

Banking News

The Smartphone Banks Are Coming

Independent online comparison service compared the fees, currency exchange rates and services…

Banking News

Major Differences Between Swiss Credit Cards

Independent online comparison service studied the costs and benefits of more than 150 Swiss…

Banking News

Mortgage Interest Rates in Free Fall

The mortgage index shows a constant drop in average interest rates for Swiss mortgages…

Banking News

How Swiss Compare: A Survey

Independent online comparison service conducted a representative survey to determine how…

Banking News

Mobile Banking on the Rise in Switzerland

A representative survey by independent Swiss online comparison service reveals how Swiss…

Banking News

What Switzerland Does and Does Not Want Abolished: A Survey, the independent Swiss online comparison service, conducted a representative survey to…

Banking News

UBS Savings Account Interest Rates Slide to Zero

UBS is lowering its interest rates once more. From June 1, 2019, UBS will not pay any interest on money…

Banking News

First Interactive Retirement Fund Comparison Launched

Switzerland’s independent comparison service has built the country’s first interactive…

Banking News

Google Pay Launches in Switzerland

Starting immediately, Android-powered phone users in Switzerland can make payments with Google Pay.…

Banking News

Prepaid Credit Cards from SBB/CFF Ticket Vending Machines

With immediate effect, the Swiss federal railway SBB/CFF/FFS is offering paper Mastercard prepaid cards…

Banking News

Credit Suisse Credit Cards to Support Apple Pay

From May 2019, Credit Suisse credit cards will work with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. Find out more in…

Banking News

Swiss Safe Deposit Box Study 2019: Major Differences Between Service Providers, the independent Swiss online comparison service, conducted a study of safe deposit box…

Banking News

Swiss Wealth Management Study 2019: Fees Remain High

A study by independent Swiss online comparison service provides useful insights into the…

Banking News

Swiss Bank Customers Dissatisfied with Interest and Charges

A survey by independent comparison service reveals the criteria used by Swiss consumers…

Banking News

Trading in Switzerland: Survey

Do Swiss actively engage in securities trading? How often do they play the stock market? A representative…

Banking News

Loans and Credit in Switzerland: This Is How Swiss Borrow

A representative survey by independent online comparison service provides insights into…

Banking News

Swiss Consumers Not Interested in Banking with Google and Co.

A representative survey conducted by independent online comparison service reveals which…

Banking News

Swatch Pay Launches in Switzerland

Swatch is joining Apple, Samsung and many other tech companies in offering a mobile wallet. Get the…

Banking News

Sharp Drop in Swiss Mortgages Rates

The mortgage index has shown a strong decline in the interest rates of Swiss fixed-rate…

Banking News

Postfinance to Offer Car Insurance

Postfinance is looking to enter the car insurance sector. takes a close look at the pros…

Banking News

Migros Cumulus Mastercard Now Compatible with Samsung Pay

The Migros Cumulus Mastercard can now be used with Samsung Pay. Get more information in this moneyland…

Banking News

Swiss Retirement Funds: Major Differences in Costs and Performance

A analysis of the costs and returns of Swiss retirement funds shows major differences in…

Banking News

Swiss 3a Retirement Accounts: Historical Interest Rate Comparison

A analysis of the historical interest rates of 3a retirement savings accounts reveals major…

Banking News

New Coop Supercard Credit Card Reviewed

Coop is ending its partnership with Swisscard AECS for the Coop Supercardplus credit card. Coop Supercard…

Banking News

New Cashback Credit Card from Swisscard Reviewed

Swiss card issuer Swisscard AECS has launched a new “free” credit cards to compete with the likes of…

Banking News

Postfinance Raising Account Fees in 2019

Postfinance is introducing new fees and raising existing fees for private customers from January 1,…

Banking News

Switzerland as a Financial Center 2018

Independent online comparison service analyzed 2018 statistics related to Switzerland’s…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card Analysis 2018

Independent online comparison service analyzed the costs and benefits of 150 Swiss credit…

Banking News Survey: How Swiss Invest Their Wealth conducted a representative survey of investment habits in Switzerland. The survey provides…

Banking News

How Are Credit Cards Used in Switzerland?

A survey of credit card and prepaid card use in Switzerland conducted by online comparison service moneyland…

Banking News

Credit Card Satisfaction Switzerland 2018

A representative survey by online comparison service measures customer satisfaction among…

Banking News

Major Differences in the Way Swiss Make Payments

A survey of preferred payment methods in Switzerland by online comparison service shows…

Banking News

Swiss Bank Customers Could Save 7.9 Billion Swiss Francs

Very few Swiss bank customers migrate to a different bank than the one at which they first open an account…

Banking News

Debit Mastercard Now Available in Switzerland

The Debit Mastercard is now available in Switzerland. Independent online comparison service moneyland…

Banking News

Personal Loans: Battle for Customers Intensifies

Competition in the personal loans market has become more pronounced. But differences in the loans offered…

Banking News

UBS Increases Account Fees

As from June 1, 2018, major Swiss bank UBS is increasing account fees for all banking package customers…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgage Rates Shoot Upwards

The mortgage index published by independent online comparison service has shown a steep…

Banking News

High Fees in Swiss Wealth Management

A analysis of the fees and costs of the wealth management services provided by Swiss banks…

Banking News

Cembra Money Bank Adopts Samsung Pay

As of February 2018, holders of select credit cards from card issuer Cembra Money Bank can use Samsung…

Banking News

Swiss Bank Currency Exchange Rate Comparison

For the first time, conducted a thorough analysis of the currency exchange rates used by…

Banking News

Swiss Retirement Funds 2017: Costs and Performance Compared compared the performance and costs of Swiss retirement funds which fall under the third…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card and Prepaid Card Study 2017 by

A study of Swiss credit and prepaid cards reveals that there are significant differences…

Banking News

Business Loans Are Now More Transparent

A new, interactive business loan comparison tool programmed by helps business borrowers…

Banking News

Credit Card Use in Switzerland in 2017

A new survey conducted by shows that cash is still king in Switzerland, followed by credit…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Card Customer Satisfaction Statistics 2017

The majority of Swiss credit card users are satisfied with their credit cards and the service provided…

Banking News

Bank Cler: New Branding – Same Products

Bank Coop has officially become Bank Cler. An analysis of the “new” bank’s products by unbiased comparison…

Banking News

Refinancing Personal Loans Could Save Swiss Borrowers 140 Million Francs

Borrowers in Switzerland collectively pay around 140 million Swiss francs too much for their loans.…

Banking News

Bank Coop Becomes Bank Cler

Banking News

Swiss Banks: 6 Billion Swiss Francs in Potential Savings

Record low interest rates are making life difficult for bank customers. But a study by…

Banking News

7 Swiss Financial Highlights of 2016

Banking News

Interest Rates on Swiss Retirement Savings at Record Low

Banking News

Notable Discrepancies In Swiss Wealth Management Fees analyzed fees and charges of wealth management services offered by Swiss retail banks.…

Banking News

PostFinance: Interest Rates to Drop in 2017

Banking News

PostFinance: Lower Yields and Higher Fees

Banking News

PostFinance: New E-Trading Fees

Banking News

Credit Cards Are Getting Expensive

Banking News

Visa Bonus Card: From Low-Cost Standard To Expensive Gold Card

Banking News

Loans In Switzerland: New Interest Rates

Banking News

Consumer Credit Law: New Rules

Banking News

First Swiss Checking Account With A Negative Yield Rate

Banking News

PostFinance: Yield Rate Cuts 2015

Banking News

PostFinance: Business Customers Pay More

Banking News

Bank Coop: Fees Going Up

Banking News

PostFinance: No Credit Cards For Non-Resident Customers

Banking News

First Swiss Yuan-Based Savings Account Launched

Banking News

bob money: A New Online Loan Provider in Switzerland

Banking News

PostFinance: Now You Can Make Contactless Payments With Your PostFinance Card

Banking News

UBS Raises Credit Card Fees

Banking News

Loans: Will Interest Rates Drop?

Banking News

Migros Bank: New Fee Applies to Maestro Card Transactions

Banking News

PostFinance: Higher Fees For Non-Resident Customers

Banking News

Swiss Government Bonds Hit With Negative Interest Rate

Banking News

One-Thousand Swiss-Franc Notes More Popular Than Ever

Banking News

ZKB Lowers Interest Yield Rates For Accounts

The Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) is lowering yield rates across its accounts in reaction to the negative…

Banking News

Medium Term Notes: Yields Slide

Banking News

Investomat: Online Asset Management

Banking News

Is Saving Becoming Expensive?

What options do savers have in the current low interest rate environment? Find out more in this moneyland…

Banking News

Swiss National Bank Ditches Euro Exchange Floor

Today, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) discontinued the minimum euro exchange rate.

Banking News

Moneyland Search: Search Engine For Swiss Banking And Insurance Products launches Moneyland Search, a personal finance search engine for banking and insurance products…

Banking News

UBS Lowers Yield Rates

UBS has lowered interest yield rates across the board and now lags behind other Swiss banks.

Banking News

Banks & Insurance Providers: Cost Predictions 2015

What changes to costs and interest rates charged by banks and insurance companies can we expect to face…

Banking News

Swiss Credit Cards: Interchange Fees Drop

Banking News

Hypobank Lenzburg Offers Contactless Payment Debit Card

Banking News

Swiss Banks: S&P Ratings Sink

Banking News

PostFinance Lowers Interest Yield Rates

PostFinance has once again lowered interest rates and slid further towards the middle-of-the-road compared…

Banking News

IG Group: New CFD Broker In Switzerland

Banking News

3a Retirement Savings: Previous Age Limits For Moving Banks Fall Away

Banking News

Pillar 3a: Cornèr Bank Adds New Fee

Starting in 2015, pillar 3a customers at Cornèr Bank will have to pay a fee for the termination of third…

Banking News

Swiss Mortgage Providers Tighten Application Requirements

Banking News

PostFinance Collaborating With Swissquote

Banking News

Social Media in Banking

Moneyland analyzed the social media presence of 50 relevant banks worldwide. Bottom line: There are…