Banking News

First Interactive Retirement Fund Comparison Launched

May 20, 2019 - Felix Oeschger

Switzerland’s independent comparison service has built the country’s first interactive comparison of private retirement funds.

The low interest rate environment of recent years has brought private retirement funds back into the spotlight for retirement savers. Demand for the retirement fund comparison tables published by until now has been high.

Now, is taking the comparison experience to a new level by introducing an interactive online comparison. “Finding the right retirement fund has never been easier,” states CEO Benjamin Manz. Users can perform cost comparisons based on both an initial capital investment and ongoing annual capital investments.

Sort retirement funds based on total costs

The new comparison tool lets you sort retirement funds by their total costs based on your investment needs. In addition to total expense ratios (TERs) which are published by retirement funds and indicate administrative charges and some other costs, comparisons also account for possible custodial fees and sales charges (front-end loads and back-end-loads).

Advanced cost information – such as whether sales charges are claimed by fund managers or credited to investor’s share capital – are also shown in the comparison. “Being able to compare funds based on their total costs is particularly useful because these are predictable, while performance is not,” says analyst Felix Oeschger.

Sort retirement funds based on performance

The new comparison tool lets you compare retirement funds based on net performance as well as costs. These comparisons are based on official fund performance data and show the real performance of investment funds after deducting total costs. For the first time, retirement savers have access to an interactive simulation of net performance (performance minus TER and additional costs).

Net performance is typically lower than official published performance figures, and is a more realistic indicator retirement fund performance. Annual performance figures are calculated in Swiss francs and as percentages (average annual return based on the internal rate of return model).

Filter retirement funds based on features

In addition to sort options, you can also make use of practical filters to limit comparison results to funds which meet your requirements. You can use these filters to limit results to funds which match your risk capacity and to limit results to only passively-managed funds or actively-managed funds. You can also limit results to pillar 2 retirement funds using the relevant filter.

Find key figures and information

You can use the comparison to find detailed information about each retirement fund, including costs, ISIN, dividend model (accruing or distributing), fund structure, fund size, the fund’s custodian bank and more.

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Expert Felix Oeschger
Felix Oeschger is an analyst and expert at He is responsible for several core topics.