- BenutzernamePectoris
- Status Member
- Registriert seit3/25/24
- Beiträge8
Dear Community
I currently have a Viseca Platinum and I'm considering switching to a AMEX Platinum Card.
One thing that stood out on the Amex Application is that you need to declare ur income which needs to be above 120'000 annualy for the Platinum version.
How does this actually work, Im currently earning above that amount but does the Company ask me for documents or do they just *approve* it ? How does that actually works since anyone could just type in something. Since with my other Platinum card it just got approved immediately.
And since i never had 2 credit cards. Does the limit of those 2 fuse or to i have for example 2x10k which adds to a total limit of 20k?
Thank you for your help.