- Benutzernameapril.luescher
- Status Member
- Registriert seit3/15/23
- Beiträge1
We (both foreign Swiss passport holders currently resident in Germany) are considering a move back to CH in the next few years, and we are trying to get all our information together to make it possible.
My husband works for a UK company. We have a tax advisor here in Germany that acts as his monthly payroll as well as handling all tax matters for us. Obviously we pay for this service, but it is 100% worth it. My first question would be: are there such individuals in Switzerland?
Secondly, I assume he would have to pay his AHV and BVG contributions himself, or would his UK employer be required to match them?
We already have AHV numbers as we both worked in Switzerland before, 20 years ago. There is a possibility that I can get a job in a different part of my current organization so AHV and BVG contributions would be no problem for me. I have a pension pot that I would transfer from the UK, and we also have some investments, so at some point we would need to look at retirement pensions but the most immediate question relates to his contributions for 1st and 2nd pillar.
Thanks for any answers you might be able to offer.