- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
I find the comparison services on moneyland very useful. Among other things they have helped me find the right private account. Still, I have a suggestion for an improvement to the private account comparison:
It would be ideal if you allowed users to exclude Maestro cards when comparing accounts. When you remove the cost of these cards, the costs of certain accounts dissappear entirely and most banks do not require you to get a Maestro card. In the comparison, the annual fee for a debit card is shown even when I set all debit card values to 0 in the "individual profile" fields (I don't use a Maestro card). In my case, the comparison results are not correct because the comparison includes the cost of a service which I do not use. Subtracting the maestro card's annual fee, my private account (FKB Lohnsparkonto) is actually completely free of charge, which is not shown in the comparison results.
I also found another account which is not yet included in your comparison: The BCVS online private account. This account includes the Maestro card for free.