Bank account for a Dutch Membership Association, with no or low negative interest

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  • Benutzernamekatherine.pilcher
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/31/22
  • Beiträge1

Dear Moneyland team.

I am looking for a Swiss Bank or banks which 

  • will open an account or accounts for a Dutch Membership Associations (as opposed to a private person), and
  • either don’t charge negative interest, or have a very high negative interest threshold

 Your website has a lot of fantastic comparison tools, but I couldn't see one that includes specifically those two filters.  Do you have one please? If so please point me to where it is?
If not, do you have a list of banks which includes both of those criteria please?

  • BenutzernameMister Banks
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit8/16/15
  • Beiträge178

Good day

The problem: With the vast majority of Swiss banks you cannot open a corporate account with a company domicile outside of Switzerland. 

Even if you could, there are usually high additional fees per year for foreign customers in addition to negative interest rates. An example of the additional fees (for private individuals) can be found here:

Best regards