Can I claim paid sick leave when suffering depression?

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
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  • Registriert seit1/27/17
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Does Swiss labor law allow me to claim paid sick leave when suffering depression? I am rarely sick and have not claimed sick leave in the past 8 years. Now an ugly situation in my marriage has left me feeling too depressed to get much work done and I feel I just need a break. At the same time I have a lot of financial responsibilities so I can't take unpaid leave.

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4016


Swiss law states that employees are entitled to a limited amount of paid leave if sickness or an accident prevents them from working. The exact amount of paid sick leave you may be entitled to varies based on the length of time you have spend working for your employer and the canton you work in.

Psychological conditions like depression may qualify in some cases, but these have to be proven by medical reports. Getting a diagnosis which qualifies you for paid sick leave can be difficult.

If your employer has paid sick leave insurance, they may have to prove that you were not already suffering from the condition when you became covered by their insurance.

Best regards from Moneyguru