Construction Insurance in Switzerland

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/27/17
  • Beiträge2142


Are you able to recommend an insurance provider that covers property building for a family?

We are specifically looking for an insurance that will cover us in case of neighbour disputes over property/land use.

We have bought a building plot and plan to begin building in a few months but we would like protection from any neighbourhood issues.

We are based in Valais.

Thank you and best regards

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4016

The insurance which you are looking for is called construction insurance (Bauversicherung/Assurance de construction). This insurance is made up of two different insurances: builder's risk insurance and construction third-party liability insurance. These two insurance can be taken out separately, but many insurance companies advertise them as a bundled offer.

Third-party liability insurance for construction (Bauherren-Haftpflicht Versicherung / Assurance de la responsabilité civile du maître de l'ouvrage) covers your liability for damage to third-party property or injury to third-parties resulting from the construction and/or construction site. You take out this insurance yourself.

Builder's risk insurance: This insurance is typically taken out jointly by all parties involved in the construction (you as the property owner, and the contractors involved in the construction), with all stakeholders sharing the cost of the insurance premiums. This insurance covers damages to your property itself which results from covered hazards. does not yet offer a construction insurance comparison. However, this insurance is offered by most large Swiss insurance companies including Axa, Baloise, Mobiliar, Vaudoise and Zurich. While there are slight variations in insurance coverage, coverage for the most important hazards is similar across insurance companies. We recommend you request quotes from several different insurance companies in order to compare insurance premiums.

In addition to construction insurance, you may want to consider taking out legal insurance which covers neighbor law and real estate law. If any legal disputes arise from the construction, the right legal insurance can protect you from the legal costs associated with these disputes. You can easily find legal insurance offers which include these coverages by using the appropriate filters in the interactive Swiss legal insurance comparison on

Best regards from Moneyguru