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- Registriert seit5/16/19
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Good evening, I had account in Credit Suisse with small balance. I want to close this account.
What is the total amount I can get & how much fee for that? And is it possible to get it without visiting the bank because I live abroad?
Here is the latest General Overview Analysis Details Real-Time Values from CS Direct net.I can not understand this? Tell me please.
Thanks in advance for helping.
General Overview Analysis Details Real-Time Values
Analisis Details Reporting Curency
(last refresh: 25.11.2018, 20:26 CET)²
Real-Time Values Reporting Currency1 CHF 61,26
Total of Selected Assets in CHF¹ 61,26
Group by Investment Type
Number Description Curr. Value Value in CHF
xxxx21-20 Savings account CHF 15,58
xxxx21-20-1 Private account CHF 24,42
Subtotal in CHF1 40,00
Safekeeping Account
Number Description Curr. Value Value in CHF
xxxx21-25 Safekeeping Account CHF 21,26
Subtotal in CHF1 21,26
Total of Selected Assests in CHF
Total in CHF1 61,26
1Accrued Interests of Accounts and Money Market Investments are not included in the values.
2Real time data is shown upon availability and transactions might not be booked real time into cash accounts.