Credit Suisse close account

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  • Benutzernameserg
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit5/16/19
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Good evening, I had account in Credit Suisse with small balance. I want to close this account.
What is the total amount I can get & how much fee for that? And is it possible to get it without visiting the bank because I live abroad? 
Here is the latest General Overview Analysis Details Real-Time Values from CS Direct net.I can not understand this? Tell me please.

Thanks in advance for helping.

General Overview Analysis Details Real-Time Values 

Analisis Details Reporting Curency

(last refresh: 25.11.2018, 20:26 CET)²

Real-Time Values Reporting Currency1   CHF  61,26 

Total of Selected Assets in CHF¹                       61,26  
Group by Investment Type 


Number        Description            Curr. Value   Value in CHF 

xxxx21-20    Savings account   CHF              15,58

xxxx21-20-1 Private account    CHF              24,42

Subtotal in CHF1                                             40,00

Safekeeping Account    

Number        Description          Curr. Value  Value in CHF 

xxxx21-25 Safekeeping Account  CHF          21,26

Subtotal in CHF1                                            21,26

Total of Selected Assests in CHF                     

Total  in CHF1                                                 61,26 

1Accrued Interests of Accounts and Money Market Investments are not included in the values.

2Real time data is shown upon availability and transactions might not be booked real time into cash accounts.

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4016

Hi there,

As per communications from Credit Suisse personnel, you have to close your accounts in person.

Because the balances of your accounts are low, the costs of transferring them to a foreign bank account may be high in relation to your assets. Cashing them out or transferring them through a low-cost exchange or transfer service could save you money.

Credit Suisse does not charge fees for closing accounts or for terminating your banking relationship.

Best regards from Moneyguru

  • Benutzernameserg
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit5/16/19
  • Beiträge3

Thanks for the answer, I understood the situation as a whole now!
But could you explain to me how much I really have left on my accounts together :
CHF 61.26 ? or CHF 15.58? or CHF 24.42? or CHF 40.00?
And what's the difference between:
Savings account
Private account
Safekeeping Account

Thanks in advance

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4016

Hi serg,

Your total assets at Credit Suisse are 61.26 Swiss francs divided between your private account, savings account and safekeeping account.

A private account (also known as a checking account) is a bank account with no restrictions on transactions. It pays little or no interest and primarily provides you with transaction services. This is the account which is linked to your Credit Suisse debit card (if you have one).

A savings account is an account designed for mid- to long-term saving. Savings accounts pay higher interest rates than checking accounts. They may have restrictions on annual transactions and withdrawals.

A safekeeping account, also known as a custody account, is a bank account in which securities like shares and bonds are held in book form. The bank manages dividend payments and transactions on your behalf. A safekeeping account may also hold cash which is not invested in securities. This account does not pay interest. Instead, you are charged custodial fees (normally as a percentage of assets held in the account).

In your case, the 61.26-franc total of your account balances alone probably is not a strong incentive to visit Switzerland and close your accounts in person. It may be worth contacting Credit Suisse by phone or online and asking whether they would make an exception for you.

An important consideration is that Credit Suisse charges non-resident fees. Once Credit Suisse is made aware of the fact that you are now resident abroad, they may begin charging you a non-resident fee. This is currently CHF 480 per year, so closing your accounts to avoid that fee will likely be worth it over the long term, even if it involves visiting Switzerland in person.

Best regards from Moneyguru

More on this topic:
Non-resident fees at Swiss banks explained

  • Benutzernameserg
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit5/16/19
  • Beiträge3

Thank you for your affordable, forward-looking and comprehensive response!