Do I Need Additional Insurance For A Rented Car?

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/27/17
  • Beiträge2142

Up until now I have always accepted and paid for the insurance which car rental companies offer whenever I have rented cars. This insurance adds a pretty big expense. Sometimes nearly as much as I pay for the rental.

Recently a friend told me that damage to borrowed cars is covered by Swiss liability insurance. I have a liability insurance and personal property insurance combo from Generali. Does this cover damage to rented cars?

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4016

Hi there,

Most Swiss personal liability insurance policies do not cover liability for rental cars. However, some do provide secondary insurance coverage.

Allianz personal liability insurance policies include coverage for third-party liability resulting from the use of cars rented in EU and EFTA member countries for up to 1 month. This does not cover liability for damages to the rental car itself, but only third-party liability. It is secondary insurance which covers the difference between the sum insured by the rental car's liability insurance and total liability claims against you.

Elvia offers an identical benefit as an optional rider for its Flex personal liability insurance policy.

Other insurance providers generally cover liability resulting from the use of borrowed vehicles only and exclude rental cars from coverage.

Best regards from Moneyguru

More on this topic:
Swiss personal liability insruance comparison