To the point of the original of the original post, there are several bank accounts which work out basically free to use if you only use them for local banking. A couple of "cantonal banks" offer accounts with no annual fees for people who are willing to use online banking. You can generally withdraw money at the bank's own ATMs free of charge. You normally have to pay if you want a Maestro card (a debit card), but most banks offer a free "bank card" which you can use at their ATMs.
Check out the online only account from the Aargauische Kantonalbank with no annual fee. The online banking is decent with all the functions of the normal paid account, and you can use the ATMs from any cantonal bank to withdraw money. If you don't need the Maestro card then you don't pay annual fees.
Bank Cler offer an app-based account (ZAK) which includes a Maestro card and credit card and has no annual fee. Wire transfers are limited to Europe only. If that isn't a problem for you then I would recommend this account as a user. The bank has offices all over Switzerland and the customer service is good.
There is also another Swiss app-based account called Neon which comes with a Maestro debit card and doesn't have an annual fee. I haven't used it, but have a workmate that does and seems happy with it.