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I heard that in Switzerland, married people receive much lower pensions than unmarried people. Is that correct?
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I heard that in Switzerland, married people receive much lower pensions than unmarried people. Is that correct?
In Switzerland, a “ceiling” limits the combined pensions paid out to married couples to 150% of the maximum pension paid out to an individual pension. This means that a married person receives a pension that is 25% lower than that of an unmarried person who made the same amount of contributions.
Example: Two people both work, make contributions to the social security scheme without fail and earn annual salaries which entitle them to the highest possible pension. If those two people were to become involved, they would have two options:
1. Do not get married or register their partnership, in which case they will both receive 100% of their pension when they retire.
2. They could get married or register their partnership and have their pensions cut by 25% each so that their combined pensions do not exceed 150% of a single maximum pension.
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