Minimum investment wealth management

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
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What is the minimum investment necessary to sign up for wealth management services?

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4016

Hi there,

Many asset managers only accept clients who have at least CHF 500,000 or CHF 1 million to invest. Some wealth managers - particularly family offices - only cater to ultra high net worth individuals with a minimum of CHF 30 million to invest.

But a number asset management services cater to average investors. Some asset managers accept clients with intitial capital of just CHF 50,000. Young adults without large amounts of savings have also become a target group.

But it is important to note that using conventional wealth management services is rarely worth it for those with relatively low amounts of capital because of the high costs. The lower the amount of capital in question, the more the fees and charges affect returns.

Propsective clients should always have a thorough understanding of all applicable costs before signing up for an asset management service. As a general rule, actively managed investment solutions are more expensive than passively managed investment solutions.

Robo advisors which manage investment passively provide a more affordable asset management solution. Managing your investments yourself using an affordable online securities broker is an even cheaper alternative.

Best regards from Moneyguru

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