Opening a PostFinance account without a passport?

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  • Benutzernamegreenmelon94
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit6/2/21
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I just got my first job in Switzerland, along with the 90 day work permit and my employment contract. I have no Swiss address yet.

I'd like to open a PostFinance account for my salary, but my passport is currently in the making, so right now I have only my Hungarian ID card. As an EU citizen, is my ID card eligible or do I need a passport anyway to open an account?


  • Benutzernamethetownclownsa
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/25/17
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I'm pretty sure an ID would work. The more important document, in your case, is your residence permit.

You will have to have an address (the address on your residence permit?).

  • Benutzernamegreenmelon94
  • Status Member
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Thank you for your answer Thetownclownsa!

My 90 day permit has my Hungarian address on it as far I as remember (I don't have it in my hands right now) which should be fine, my relatives who reside here for a long time had their PF accounts opened with a foreign address.

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
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You can find more information on the topic of opening a Swiss bank account as a foreigner in this guide:
Swiss Bank Accounts For Foreigners

  • Benutzernameozzymac10
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit7/14/23
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thanks for sharing the link, it helped me alot