Pension fund when working for two employers

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/27/17
  • Beiträge2142

I work 60% at one job and will soon begin another job at 40%-50%. My question is, will I have to sign up to another pillar 2 pension fund through my second employer? Can I have choose to contribute my retirement assets and premiums to my existing pension fund to avoid having two separate pension funds? Any advice?

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4063

The answer to your question depends primarily on how much you earn at each employer. Your employer is only obligated to enroll you in an occupational pension fund if your salary from that employer is 21,150 Swiss francs per year or more.

If each of your employers pays you a salary of at least 21,150 francs per year, you will normally be enrolled in two separate pillar 2 pension funds and pay contributions to these funds based on your salary at each employer.

However, some pension funds allow you to add mutliple employers to the same contract, and this can often be beneficial. Take a close look at the terms and conditions of your pension fund contract or ask the pension fund about this directly before you begin your secondary employment.

If you earn 21,150 francs or more at one job and less then that amount at your other job, you will only be subscribed to a pension fund at the first employer and pay contributions on your salary which exceeds 21,150 francs. However, you may still be able to claim contributions from your secondary employer because your total income exceeds 21,150 francs.

If both of your employers pay you annual salaries of less than 21,150 francs, neither of them are obligated to enroll you in occupational pension funds. However, you may be able to voluntarily enroll in your employers’ pension funds if the terms and conditions of their specific pension fund allow for this.

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