- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
I am currently looking for a pillar 3 investment fund made up primarily of shares (the more the better). I am 30 years away from retirement, so I would prefer to use a 100% share-based fund for the next 10 years or so. So far I have managed to find these options:
PostFinance Pension 75: 75% shares, 0.94% TER, no additional fees
SwissCanto Vorsorge 45: 45% shares, 0.35% TER + 0.3% custody fee = 0.65%. Transaction fee is 0.65%
Gibt es 3e Säule-Fonds mit tieferen Gebühren?
Are there other pillar 3 funds which have lower fees than these?