Hi aksuns,
You can find general information about investing in private equity here:
How to invest in private equity
If you invest in private equity using mutual funds or ETFs, then you are not limited to using a specific stockbroker. You can use any stockbroker that offers trading in the private equity mutual funds and ETFs that you want to invest in. The main difference between stockbrokers is in the pricing (primarily brokerage fees and custody fees). You can compare Swiss stockbrokers using the moneyland.ch stockbroker comparison:
Swiss online trading comparison
It is worth mentioning that you may also be able to use Interactive Brokers to invest in private equity mutual funds and ETFs.
If you want to invest through an asset management service, you can use the moneyland.ch asset management comparison to compare costs based on your needs:
Swiss asset management comparison
If you want to invest in private equity directly, rather than using mutual funds or ETFs, then private banks that offer private equity as a service are worth looking at. Because private banks use more personalized pricing models, a good first step is to get quotes from several private banks based on your financial situation and the services you need. You can then compare these quotes to find the most affordable offer.
In every case, I recommend that you only invest in assets that you understand well. In the case of direct private equity investments, it is highly advisable to only work with reputable, licensed service providers.
Best regards,
Daniel Dreier