Hi, I have to ask for some professional advice about the unemployment insurance. I am from China and I was a postdoc in EPFL from 2015.12 to 2018.3.15. Before one month early before my contract finish, I went to ORP office registered unemploy, everything went well followed the procedure. But there is one problem my permit was combined with my contract, and they reject to renew my permit without a new contract. I did not hold a legally permit since 19th March, but the "Service de la Population" authorized my legal stay 3 more months in Switzerland without a permit to look for a new job. I got a new contract in June and the "Service de la Population” renewed my permit once I send my contract to them. My new contract starts from 1st August, before that I keep following the instruction fo  ORP and chomage office to search job and handed month report to the office. And my private consultant of ORP told me, the chomage office will pay me the unemployment compensation once I got my new permit from the beginning. But when I got my new permit and ask the chomage office for the unemployment compensation, the rejected. I have appealed for the rejection, but they reject again and I was told the reason from the Lawer I was unable to work in Switzerland during from 15th March to 31st July as I did not have a permit. And the chomage office just paid the person who has the legal to work. I need to appeal again before 15th October, send them the appeal letter in French
I do not know French and I know nothing about the Law in Switzerland. 
I am looking for some professional advice about this special case. Your great help will be appreciated a lot! Welcome to send me your advice, my email address is [email protected].
