- Benutzernameronanmoloney
- Status Member
- Registriert seit10/12/24
- Beiträge2
I am looking to buy the 3 bedroom apartment that I am currently living in. The other 2 rooms are already rented and the current landlord has contract in place. There is also a garage box that is rented.
So I will be taking over these contracts. The combined income from these are 1550CHF per month. If I can use this income to top up my salary then I can will be within the required monthly income bracket. I have the 20% deposit in savings that is required.
My question for the forum:
I wish to inquire if you know any banking facilities that will take the garage and rooms rental income to support my monthly income?
I have asked UBS, Postfinance, Raffeisen, Migrosbank, Credit Suisse and CLER.
They have all said that rooms rental cannot be accepted as a form of guaranteed income. So I would not be accepted for the mortgage approval.
Thank you in advance for your help.