- Benutzernamecihas34042
- Status Member
- Registriert seit10/27/23
- Beiträge1
Hi all,
I am new here and in the learning phase :)
Let me explain my situation and ask my questions, if I may.
Currently, I work full-time, but I don't have a 3A pillar account. I recently learned about its benefits. My wife doesn't work, but she has a 3B account (I believe that's what it's called, correct me if I'm wrong).
To give you an overview of my finances: I decided to buy a home a few months ago and am now trying to save for the 20% down payment. By the end of the year, I anticipate we'll have saved 60k CHF, and I aim to reach 100k CHF by next June/July.
Let's say I'm looking to buy a home worth 1 million CHF. With my current salary of 120k CHF and an additional 300 CHF monthly child support, my annual income is approximately 123,600 CHF. I've calculated that with this income, a bank might offer a mortgage of only around 800k CHF.
One solution I considered is to earn more. I'm planning to start a project with a friend, essentially working for him. We're thinking of formalizing it with a contract where I'd earn an extra 3000 CHF monthly, which annually sums up to an extra 36k CHF. This would bring my total income to about 160k CHF, seemingly enough for a million CHF mortgage.
However, I remember reading in an online article that banks usually rely on the last year's tax declaration. If that's the case, my plan might not work, right? How can I secure a 1 million CHF mortgage with my current and projected income?
Also, I understand that a maximum of 10% of the deposit can come from our pension funds. So, can I use 100k from my pension funds (I think 2A and 3A) and some amount from my wife's 3B account?
Regarding the 3A: If I start a 3A pillar this year and contribute 7k CHF annually, I know it can reduce our tax. But if I decide to purchase a home in June/July 2024 and withdraw from the 3A, how will that affect the tax deductions since it's only been active for about 7-8 months?
Lastly, if I do get the mortgage and continue to contribute 7k CHF annually to my 3A, then use that to pay off my mortgage, is that permissible? And will it still offer tax benefits?
I couldn't find answers to these questions online, and I'm hopeful you might have insights. :)
Thank you in advance