- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
I just read your article about subletting your rental home and found it very informative! https://www.moneyland.ch/en/subletting-rental-home-switzerland-guidelines
I'm still surprised by the swiss laws, because from what I've heard, the following example which I'm introducing to you in a second is a very common practice in the US for business/profit purposes:
There are 2 different ways (with Airbnb):
Leasing an appartment, not to live in it, but to put it up on Airbnb and make profit on it, with consent of landlord/homeowner. Requires leasing contract.
Teaming up with the landlord/homeowner. Example: the landlord would list his property for $1000 a month. You get in contact with him and guarantee him $1500 a month, and everything above that you get to keep yourself. You tell the landlord that you will take care of everything (full automation for him): Any maintenance (below $200), that you will clean it regularly, deal with all the guests, and might even get an additional insurance. This usually doesn't even require a leasing contract.
My question:
Aren't both of those practices legal in Switzerland, IF you get the consent from your landlord/homeowner and he's agreeing on it?
I can see that with the first tactic most landlords wouldn't agree, because they get 0 benefit out of it and would rather give their appartment to a long-term renter.
But the second strategy seems to be a win/win situation for both parties.
I would appreciate some insight a lot, because I essentially wanted to do something similar in the near future (if allowed).
Many thanks already in advance.