Swiss Bank Account for US Citizens

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  • Benutzernameborlazshin
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit7/17/20
  • Beiträge1


Do any Swiss Banks offer services to US Citizens currently residing in USA?

I have about 250,000 USD in saving accounts  that I would consider depositing in Switzerland.

Thank you.

  • Benutzernameharold
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/24/17
  • Beiträge61

Many Swiss banks avoid US persons because of the administrative costs associated with FATCA. However, with $250k you may well be accepted if you subscribe to asset management. I would recommend that you use the asset management (private banking) comparison here on and contact the most favorable bank (except True Wealth, as I know they don't accept US persons).