Swiss broker: Lowest fees for long-term

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  • BenutzernameDarkJedi
  • OrtLausanne
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit8/30/20
  • Beiträge1


I'm looking for a way to purchase shares and invest in funds but for long-term. I'm not going to be day-trading, nor a lot a orders every month. I'd like to find a bank or a solution to buy and keep the stock for long term with the lowest fees in terms of maintenance, custody or management.

I used the comparison tool but it doesn't seem to be very accurate so, can anyone help me and suggest me a bank or platform where I can do this without paying a lot in annual fees? 

Thank you.

  • Benutzernameharold
  • Status Member
  • Registriert seit1/24/17
  • Beiträge61

Cornertrader has no custody fees for stocks and ETFs. Their brokerage fees are not necessarily the cheapest, but you only pay them when you buy or sell whereas custody fees apply every year that you hold your shares.

I believe CT is a good choice for buy-and-hold as far as Swiss brokers go. One slightly annoying thing is that they recently added inactivity fees, so if you do not buy or sell within a quarter, you pay a 35-franc inactivity fee. If you will buy shares at least once every quarter, then this isn't a problem.