- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I am an employee of a company that has its legal seat in Geneve. I am asking for a little help to clarify my situation, or perhaps you can point me in the right direction. Either way, your input is deeply appreciated.
Since the company is seated in Geneve, we are all taxed at source on our gross in Switzerland. This amounts in my case to about 800-900 EUR/month. However, since I am not a Swiss resident/citizen (I am a EU citizen) this money does not provide any benefit for myself whatsoever.
I read on your website that in certain situations, a certain part of the yearly tax could be directed to a Pillar 3 account as a pension contribution.
Now my question is if myself, as a non-resident or citizen of Switzerland, but paying tax at source here could benefit from the same prescription and have some 6300 CHF (I don't remember the exact amount) transferred into a bank account each year as a Pillar 3a contribution in Switzerland. Or maybe there are other mechanisms we could use to get some utility out of these money (more than 10.000 EUR/year paid as tax at source by me this year alone)?
Any information or advice would be highly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration.