- Benutzernamestefanamato
- Status Member
- Registriert seit8/29/24
- Beiträge6
Hi whoever helps,
i already sent a message in an open topic but i can't see it, so i open a new one (sorry if any inconvenience)
I still have doubts related to taxation on foreign savings account, please find here below
- I want to understand what is the tax rate applied to foreign bank account in another EU country? I search a lot but found nothing (i know it depends on canton but you could maybe mention Zurich as example)
- I have savings abroad in my home country in EU (from working activity already taxed at source), should i still pay taxes on that? if yes, what is the rate applied? It was mentioned about 5% (which sounds too crazy high to me if compared to the 0-1% of wealth tax on local savings)
- there is any option i could take to maybe reduce it ? I was said i could move the money to a EUR account in Switzerland to reduce the tax impact and avoid conversion rate, although i would prefer to leave it in the foreign account (if rate is not too crazy high as mentioned)
hope anyone could clear it,
Many thanks