- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
Hello Moneyland team,
I have a question about unemployment insurance. When I first moved to Switzerland I had a job that paid CHF 100k per year. After the company restructured I was unemployed for a couple months and have now been offered a new job with a lower salary (80k) in a completely different line of work.
I love the idea of working in a completely new field and after working in bit corporations for a decade the small business environment is a welcome change. But I would obviously be glad to earn closer to what I used to earn.
From discussions with Swiss veterans I understand that the unemployment insurance should pay the difference between my current salary and my previous salary if I am unable to find a job in my field of expertise with a similar salary.
Can I expect to receive 80% of the CHF 20k difference between my new salary and my old one for as long as I work at my new job. That would take my total income up to CHF 96k, which would be a more realistic income over the long term. I would like to know whether or not I can claim this before accepting the new position and meeting the RAV people.
As much as I would rather be employed, it would hardly be worth accepting a job for the same income I receive from unemployment insurance.
I look forward to your reply and am keeping my fingers crossed for a positive reply .
Thank you and kind regards