Tax Statement From Swiss Stock Broker

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
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  • Registriert seit1/27/17
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How much does it cost to get a tax statement from a Swiss stock broker or custody bank? Do I need to pay extra for statements or are they covered by custodial fees?

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4063

Hi there,

Most Swiss banks and brokers charge additional fees when you request individual tax statements listing securities transactions. As a general rule, tax statements are only necessary when you make a relatively large number of transactions within a tax year because small numbers of transactions can easily be entered into the appropriate form when you complete your tax return.

A number of banks, including VZ Depotbank and money-net (BEKB) provide tax statements free of charge.

UBS charges a minimum of 80 francs (plus VAT) for tax statements.

Credit Suisse charges customers residing in Switzerland a minimum fee of 50 francs for tax statements listing 5 investment positions. Each additional position included in the tax statement increases the fee by 10 francs (plus VAT).

PostFinance charges a falt fee of 97.20 francs (90 francs plus 7.20 francs VAT) per statement.

Swissquote charges a fee of 100 francs plus VAT.

TradeDirect (BCV) provides electronic tax statements to customers free of charge. Detailed tax statements can be obtained for 25 francs (1-3 investment positions) plus 5 francs per position plus VAT.

Migros bank provides free statements to its premium service customers and asset management customers. Other customers pay:
- A minimum fee of 25 francs plus VAT
- Rate value declaration: 5 francs per securities issue title plus VAT
- Taxable gains declaration: 6 francs per securities title and account (plus VAT). 8 francs plus VAT for titles for which a flat rate tax calculation or U.S. withholding tax applies.

Cash from Bank Zweiplus: 108 francs per tax statement (free of charge for mutlimanager strategy customers).

Bank Cler: Minimum fee of 50 francs plus VAT per statement, plus a postage fee of 6 francs plus VAT.

Basler Kantonalbank charges a minimum fee of 43.20 francs (included VAT) plus 4 francs per Swiss title and 9 francs per foreign title (plus 8% VAT for customers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein pay 8% VAT.

Zürcher Kantonalbank: The ZKB tax report provides the information necessary to fill out the relevant tax return form. The minimum fee per report is 50 francs plus VAT for a report listing 0-5 positions. A report listing 6-10 positions costs 100 francs plus VAT. A report listing 11-20 positions costs 200 francs plus VAT. A report listing 21 positions or more costs 300 francs plus VAT.

Raiffeisen: The flat fee for the comprehensive tax statement for Swiss residents is 80 francs, regardless of the number of positions listed. Foreign tax residents can obtain a country-specific tax report for 300 francs.

The St. Galler Kantonalbank provides complimentary tax statements to Consult Plus and Consult Top customers. Other customers residing in Switzerland pay 5 francs (VAT included) per listed securities title, with a minimum fee of 30 francs per statement.

Best regards from Moneyguru

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