- Benutzernamelovezurich
- Status Member
- Registriert seit3/30/22
- Beiträge1
Hi All,
I wonder what is the best way to handle 2a pension fund savings/ what options are available, if becoming unemployed in Switzerland without having a new employer immediately?
My understanding is that the vested benefit can stay up to 6 months with the last employers pension fund parked on some kind of ‘waiting account’ (but not in the actual fund anymore), or can be transferred to a vested benefit account at a bank, or voluntary occupational pension plan (2b), offered for example by the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution.
Are these voluntary occupational pension plans providing similar returns as the occupational pension plans, and what happens when a person has again an employer in Switzerland, i.e. do 2b need to be sold the moment there is a new employer which may make it risky to invest then? Are there other benefits / downsides to subscribing to a 2b Pension plan whilst unemployed vs vested benefit account at a bank?
Many thanks.