The standard cash value of 1 Coop Superpoint is 1 centime. So 100 Superpoints are equal to 1 Swiss franc in value. You can redeem points for goods and services at Coop stores at that rate.
You may obtain more value when you redeem points for certain services or merchandise. Offers of this kind are update regularly, so there is no way to place an exact value on points redeemed in this way.
The standard earning rate for Superpoints is 1 point for every 1 franc of purchases from Coop stores. So 1000 Swiss francs of purchases at Coop stores earns 1000 Superpoints - or 10 francs value.
Coop regularly offers higher points-earning rates for specific products which it is trying to push. These offers change regularly.
Best regards from Moneyguru
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