What is a mutual fund?

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  • BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
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  • Registriert seit1/27/17
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What exactly is a mutual fund and how does it work?

  • BenutzernameMoneyguru von moneyland.ch
  • OrtSchweiz
  • Status Expert
  • Registriert seit8/4/15
  • Beiträge4017

Hi there,

A mutual fund is a pool of money belonging to many different investors. The total value of the fund is divided into shares, with each share representing a portion of ownership in the fund.

Typically, assets held in a mutual fund are invested with the goal of making a profit. As the value of the fund grows, the value of fund shares grows. Shareholders can sell their shares at a profit to capitalize on their investment.

Best regards from Moneyguru

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