- BenutzernameMoneyland User Questions
- Status Member
- Registriert seit1/27/17
- Beiträge2142
Dear sirs/madames,
Next year, my son will participate in a 5-month language program in the US (San Diego). I came across your website while searching the web for suggestions on how to handle the money side of things and read a lot of your guides. I also saw that you offer personal credit card analyses, so I wanted to ask you some questions:
My son does not currently have a credit card. A credit card is probably the best solution for his stay in the US. He has a private account at the Graubündner Kantonalbank and I think the best option would be for him to apply for a credit card from the GKB. In this case, would it be better to pay the credit card balances by billing or by direct debit?
I also read that there are high fees that can apply when you use cards, and that small amounts are best paid using credit cards and larger amounts are best paid using a debit card. Is it technically possible to use a Swiss debit card in the US?
How are payments normally made in the US? Is cash even used for payments anymore? Or is everything paid by card?
Withdrawing many small amounts at ATMs (like young folks here in Switzerland do) probably doesn’t make sense because of the fees. You website recommends using debit cards for cash withdrawals, so here again, the question is: can Swiss debit cards be used in the US?
I’m not sure if you are the right place to get my questions answered, so please let me know if that’s the case. Otherwise, I would very much appreciate a detailed answer.
Many thanks and kind regards