- Benutzernamefrancescapanico21
- Status Member
- Registriert seit10/10/22
- Beiträge2
Hi there,
I hope you can clarify some couple of points on taxation of 2nd pillar if moving to UK post brexit. To specify I’m Italian living in CH and not a Swiss citizen.
My understanding is that I can withdraw the whole capital and CH will apply a withholding tax at source, which is not a huge percentage apparently.
Now I have two options:
1) They will transfer the capital (taxed) in my current Swiss bank account (which I would like to keep, discussion with bank about the fee will happen soon).
2) Get the transfer to a new bank account that I will open in UK.
First question will be: in Switzerland, the capital will only be taxed once right? With the tax at source. Or it will undergo further taxation?
Second question will be: if I keep them in my swiss bank account, will it be taxed further somehow even if I won’t be leaving and working in Switzerland anymore?
Third question would be: if I keep it in my Swiss bank account, do I have to notify UK that I have this money in another country?
Fourth question: will UK apply taxation in any case on my capital (whether they are in CH in a bank account or I move them to a UK one)? If yes, there is a double taxation agreement between the two countries?
What would be the best way to go to save some money and not pay a lot of taxes?
Thank you for your help, this place is so helpful :)