Just use the filters available in the moneyland.ch health insurance comparison to limit results to the medical network of your choice. Filters include 41 different doctor, telemedicine and pharmacy networks. Only health insurance offers which cover your preferred medical network(s) are shown in comparison results. Medical networks which you can filter by are: Argomed, Ärztenetz Nordwest, Ärztenetzwerk Thurgau, Beodocs, Doccare, Docnet, DOXnet, Grisomed, Hapmed, HARESO, HAV Schwyz, HAV-SH, Hawa, Igomed, iNetz, localmed, Luganocare, Medbase, Medgate, Medi24, MediX, mediX limmimed, mediX luzern, mediX säntis, mediX winterthur, MedNet Biel-Bienne, mednetbern, Monvia, PizolCare, Réseau de Soins Neuchâtelois, Réseau Delta, RhyMed, Sanacare, Sante24, Seelandnet, TopPharm, xundart, zimdoc, zmed, Zolamed, Zürcher Gesundheitsnetz.