
Mortgage Rate Analysis Tool

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Useful information about the mortgage rate analysis tool on

  • The mortgage rate analysis tool on is the most comprehensive and precise calculator of its kind in Switzerland. The tool uses information from numerous Swiss mortgages to enable calculations based on the arithmetic mean, median, minimum, maximum or mode.
  • Calculations are based on the guide interest rates of all relevant Swiss banks and insurance companies. These guide mortgage rates are monitored and updated on on a daily basis. You can find all current mortgage interest rates listed in Switzerland’s leading mortgage comparison.
  • You can use the analysis tool to find average interest rates for many different mortgage models including fixed rate mortgages (1 to 20 years), variable mortgages and construction loans.
  • You can limit the guide interest rates used in average rate calculations to include only the interest rates of bank mortgages, insurance company mortgages or online mortgages.
  • You also have the option of selecting individual mortgage offers to find specific guide interest rates.
  • You can find more Swiss mortgage calculators here.
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