Prepaid card

Bank Cler Easy-Trading

  • With flat rate

  • Additional stock exchange fees

General information:

Account management fees of CHF 1 per month. Free of charge if assets of at least CHF 25,000 (see Bank Cler private account).

Custody fees:

Custody fees: 0.25% per year (+VAT).
Minimum of CHF 100 per depot and year.
CHF 10 per VALOR.
No surcharge for securities with foreign domicile.

Cash interest rate:


Swiss equities:

SIX: Flat rate CHF 30 per order (order by telephone: not possible). For transactions with a market value up to and including CHF 300: 10%.

European equities:

0.5%, minimum of CHF 50, maximum of CHF 500 per trade (by phone not possible).
For trades with a market value up to and including CHF 500: 10%.

US equities:

0.5%, minimum of CHF 50, maximum of CHF 500 per trade (by phone not possible).
For trades with a market value up to and including CHF 500: 10%.


The same fees as for Swiss equities apply. 


The same fees as for Swiss equities apply. 

Structured products:

The same fees as for Swiss equities apply. 


No CFD trading available.


No forex trading available.

Account currency:

Different currencies are possible.

Tax statement:

Variable based on the number of positions: Minimum fee of CHF 75, maximum CHF 250. VAT will be added.

Exchange fees:

Stock exchange fees may be charged to the client in addition to the transaction costs ("brokerage fees") listed above. The amount of stock exchange fees charged on depends on the stock exchange and other factors.

Stock exchanges:
Australian Securities Exchange, BM&FBovespa, Bolsa de Madrid, BX Swiss, Borsa Italiana, Bourse de Luxembourg, Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Euronext Amsterdam, Euronext Brussels, Euronext Lisbon, Euronext Paris, Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Helsinki Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, New Zealand Exchange, NYSE Amex, Oslo Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange, SIX Structured Products, SIX Swiss Exchange, Stockholm Stock Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Toronto Stock Exchange, Wiener Börse, Xetra
Order types:
Market order, Limit order, Stop order, Stop limit order
Specialized services:
Alerts, Mobile access
Specialized asset types:
Equities, Investment funds, Bonds, Derivatives and structured products, ETFs, Futures, Options

Special offers for Moneyland users

Moneyland Special Offers

Swiss Trading Platform

Cornèrtrader Special Offer

  • Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users

  • No custody account fees for shares

  • Swiss online bank with FINMA license

Free bank account


  • No account fees

  • Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance

  • CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»

Amex promotion until April 6

Amex Platinum Card

  • 50% off the annual fee in the first year

  • Extra bonus: 75,000 instead of 45,000 Membership Rewards points

  • Further benefits: 10% discount on purchases in Gübelin boutiques & Up to CHF 160 Dining credit per year in over 600 GaultMillau restaurants

Swiss digital bank


  • CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.

  • Favorable foreign exchange rates

  • Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP) 

Special offers for Moneyland users

Moneyland Special Offers

Swiss Trading Platform

Cornèrtrader Special Offer

  • Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users

  • No custody account fees for shares

  • Swiss online bank with FINMA license

Free bank account


  • No account fees

  • Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance

  • CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»

Amex promotion until April 6

Amex Platinum Card

  • 50% off the annual fee in the first year

  • Extra bonus: 75,000 instead of 45,000 Membership Rewards points

  • Further benefits: 10% discount on purchases in Gübelin boutiques & Up to CHF 160 Dining credit per year in over 600 GaultMillau restaurants

Swiss digital bank


  • CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.

  • Favorable foreign exchange rates

  • Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP) 

Deal of the Day
Swiss Trading Platform

Cornèrtrader Special Offer

Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users