Credit Cards
Cembra Cash Loan
Interest rate varies depending on credit rating
Attention: The interest rate may vary depending on creditworthiness. Interest rates depend on monthly income, monthly rent or mortgage burden and any debt collection or garnishments. In the store, loans are already available with terms starting from 6 months and from an amount of 500 francs.
New contracts, increases in existing credits, loan repayments.
Swiss citizenship or foreigners with a valid permit B or C.
Regular employees only. No loans are granted to: Employees in the probationary period, unemployed, disabled, IV pensioners, AHV pensioners, housewives. Temporary employees receive a loan only if they have been employed for at least 6 months. Persons in training will only receive a loan if they also have a fixed income. Minimum wage of 2500 Swiss francs net per month.
Wage slip and a copy of an ID (for example: passport, identity card). For foreigners additionally: copy of foreigner's identity card. Further documents can be requested: Evidence of housing situation, employment situation, financial situation or previous loans.
Cembra Money Bank is one of the Swiss market leaders of personal loans. In the event of death, insurance of the remaining debt up to CHF 60,000.
Capital repayment possible at any time for a fee of CHF 150.
Cembra Money Bank assures the complete exemption of interest on the unclaimed credit period.
Moneyland Special Offers
Moneyland Special Offers
Alpian Savings Account
Up to 1% interest if you open your account before February 28, 2025*
Any number of withdrawals possible without any withdrawal limits or notice periods
Monthly interest crediting
No account fees
Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance
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Saxo Bank Special Offer
Special offer: Reimbursement of brokerage fees up to CHF 200 for 90 days
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CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.
Favorable foreign exchange rates
Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP)
Alpian Savings Account
Up to 1% interest if you open your account before February 28, 2025*