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Finding the right prepaid card can be this easy! helps you quickly and easily find the best prepaid card for your needs. Compare Swiss prepaid cards now
1. Select your criteria
- User profile: Choose the profile which best matches your needs. The different profiles are explained here.
- Card type: Choose the payment network you want (Visa, Mastercard, etc.). You can also choose to include all card types.
2. Compare offers
- Compare costs: In the second step, you can compare prepaid cards based on the total cost of using them. You can find the bases of calculations here.
- Select filter criteria: You can use the filters to add additional criteria based on your needs. Only prepaid cards which match all of your criteria appear in the comparison.
- Sort offers: You can also sort the cards included in the comparison by customer satisfaction ratings. When you apply this sort criteria, cards are ranked by customer satisfaction rather than costs.
3. Fill out the card application form
- Apply for the card of your choice: Click on the apply now button to apply for the prepaid card directly. Not all cards in the comparison have this option.