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How Does the Retirement Fund Comparison Work?

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Finding the right retirement fund is not difficult! helps you find the right retirement fund in three simple steps. Compare Swiss retirement funds now.

1. Enter your specifications

  • Initial capital: The amount of money which will be used for the first purchase of fund shares at the start of the comparison term, in Swiss francs.
  • Deposits: Additional money invested in the retirement fund each year. Deposits are made at the end of each year. You must enter a positive figure in either the initial capital field, the additional deposit field, or both.
  • Investment strategy: You can choose to limit comparison results to passively-managed funds, actively-managed funds, or to include both actively-managed and passively-managed funds. Investments by passively-managed funds simply replicate market indexes, and typically have lower costs than actively-managed funds.
  • Risk profile: Select your preferred risk-profile. Risk profiles are defined by As a general rule: the higher a fund’s stock component, the higher its risk rating.
  • Sort by: You can choose between two different sort functions. Funds shown in comparison results can be sorted based on their total costs or based on their net performance. The bases used for calculations are explained here.

2. Compare offers

  • Compare costs: Compare retirement funds based on their total costs.
  • Compare performance: Compare retirement funds based on their net performance (performance minus costs, as calculated by Note that indicated performance is based on historical performance reports, and does not indicate the future performance of funds.
  • The bases of calculations are explained here.
  • Filter criteria: You can filter comparison results based on additional criteria such as investment strategies and risk profiles.
  • Select offers: Click on the buttons of the offers that interest you. also displays offers that you cannot select for reasons of independence.

3. Open an account

  • Enter your contact details so that you can open the desired fund account as soon as possible.
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