Private Accounts

Hypo Vorarlberg Privor Pillar 3a Account

  • 3a savings account

  • Voluntary & restricted retirement savings

  • Only from 50,000 francs

  • Account management fee: CHF 36 per year.
General information:

Pillar 3a of Hypo Vorarlberg Bank. The minimum investment for the Hypo Vorarlberg Pillar 3a account is CHF 50,000. Furthermore, due to the advisory approach, 3a accounts are generally only possible for customers (including families) with a business volume of CHF 1 million or more. In addition to investments, the business volume also includes mortgages, medium-term notes or other pension assets.

The basis for opening an account is a personal appointment either at the bank in St. Gallen or at the customer's premises.

Interest rate:
1.15% per year.
Account management:

Account management costs CHF 36 per year.

Regular account closure:

Free of charge.

Advance withdrawal - disability or death:

Free of charge.

Advance withdrawal - change of provider:

Free of charge.

Advance withdrawal - self-employment:

Free of charge.

Advance withdrawal - property:

Free of charge.

Advance withdrawal - emigration:

Free of charge.