Useful information about the interest or return rate breakdown calculator on
- The interest or yield rate timeframe converter on makes it easy to convert interest or yields from one time frame (days, months, years) to another, with or without accounting for compounding.
- Example: You can easily calculate how much interest you would earn over several years based on a daily or monthly interest rate. You can also find a daily or monthly rate based on an annual rate. You can even calculate rates based on a specific time between two dates.
- If you select a time frame between two dates, the first day of the time frame is not accounted for in calculations and the last day is accounted for.
- The German day count convention is used for standard calculations. In this convention, each month has 30 days and a year has 360 days (30/360). This convention is typically used in Switzerland for interest-bearing investments like savings account balances and bonds. If you prefer to calculate interest or returns based on the exact number of days, use the by date option in which you specify the exact time frame between two specific dates.
- Interest calculations which account for compounding (exponential) are based on annual interest, but interest growth for periods shorter than one year is calculated exponentially and not linearly.
- Results are rounded to the seventh decimal. Rounding differences may occur.
- You can find more interest calculators here. You can find more investment and return calculators here.
- You can find all calculators listed here.