Independent online comparison service conducted a representative survey (carried out by market research institute Ipsos) of customer satisfaction with Swiss broadband Internet, television and landline telephone service providers.
The 1500 survey participants rated their satisfaction with the customer service, billing, Internet speed, TV channel selection, TV image quality, TV time shifting and landline voice quality delivered by their service providers.
The average satisfaction rating for broadband Internet services is 7.3 out of 10 points. General customer satisfaction has the highest average rating (7.7 points). This is followed by Internet speed (7.3 points), billing (7.2 points) and customer service (6.8 points).
The average customer satisfaction rating for TV plans is 7.1 out of 10 points. Surprisingly, TV plan subscribers gave billing the highest ratings (average 7.6 points). This is followed by TV time shifting (7.5 points), TV image quality and TV channel selection (7.3 points each) and customer service (7.2 points). “Customer service received the lowest ratings from subscribers to Internet and TV plans. Swiss service providers can definitely do with improvements in this area,” concludes telecom expert Ralf Beyeler.
Customer satisfaction with landline telephone plans is even lower than satisfaction with Internet and TV plans (average 7.0 out of 10 points). Landline customers rate customer service highest (7.3 points), followed by voice quality (7.1 points) and billing (6.7 points).
Customer satisfaction lower among younger subscribers
Younger customers are notably less satisfied with their TV, Internet and landline plans than older customers. The older the customer, the higher their satisfaction with their telecom services, on the whole.
TV plans provide a good example of this trend. The average customer service rating from TV plan subscribers between the ages of 18 and 25 years old is just 6.5 out of 10 points. Subscribers between the ages of 26 and 49 years old give customer service a higher rating of 7.2 points. Subscribers between the ages of 50 and 74 years old give their TV service providers a rating of 7.8 points for customer service. The overall average rating for TV plans is also lowest among subscribers in the youngest age group at 7.2 points. It goes up from there to 7.6 points from adults in the middle-aged group and 8.0 points from adults in the highest age group.
Broadband Internet plans are another example. Subscribers between the ages of 18 and 25 years old give the customer service provided by Internet service providers a rating of 6.6. out of 10 points. The rating from adults between the ages of 26 and 49 is 7.3 and the rating from adults between the ages of 50 and 74 years old is 7.9 out of 10 points. Across all criteria, customer satisfaction ratings for Internet service providers are 7.1 from young adults, 7.6 from adults in the middle age group and 7.9 from adults in the highest age group.
Differences between German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland
Customer satisfaction levels for Internet services are similar across all of Switzerland. Differences in customer satisfaction with landline and TV plans are apparent.
Residents of French-speaking Switzerland are, as a whole, slightly more satisfied with their TV plans then German-speaking Swiss. Billing is an exception to this rule, with French-speaking Swiss giving their TV service providers lower ratings for billing than residents of German-speaking Switzerland. General customer satisfaction ratings for TV service providers are identical across the country.
German-speaking Swiss give their landline telephone service providers higher ratings (8.0 out of 10 points) than French-speaking Swiss (7.8 out of 10 points).
Differences between genders and regions
Differences in customers satisfaction levels between genders and regions exist, but are not significant. Women are more satisfied with their TV and Internet plans and less satisfied with their landline plans than men are. Residents of rural areas are generally more satisfied with their telecom service providers than the urban population.
Internet service providers get the highest customer satisfaction ratings
Swisscom customers are the most satisfied with their Internet plans, giving Swisscom an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 points. Swisscom is followed by Sunrise (7.4 points), Quickline (7.3 points), UPC (7.2 points), M-Budget (7.1 points) and Salt (6.8 points). Customer satisfaction ratings are shown in detail in the Internet plan comparison.
Customer satisfaction with TV service providers compared
With TV plans too, Swisscom customers are the most satisfied, giving Swisscom an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 points. Swisscom is followed by Sunrise and Quickline (both 7.5 points), UPC (7.2 points), M-Budget and Zattoo (7.1 points), Wilmaa (6.8 points) and Salt (6.7 points). Customer satisfaction ratings are shown in detail in the TV plan comparison.
Customer satisfaction with landline telephone service providers
Swisscom tops the customer satisfaction ratings for landline plans as well, with an overall rating of 8.0 out of 10 points. It is followed closely by Sunrise, Quickline and M-Budget with 7.9 points each. These in turn are followed by UPC (7.6 points) and Salt (7.0 points. Customer satisfaction ratings are shown in detail in the landline telephone plan comparison.
Swisscom customer satisfaction
Market leader Swisscom is infamous for the high cost of its services. However, Swisscom received the highest satisfaction ratings from its customers for its broadband Internet, TV and landline services. Swisscom customers are particularly satisfied with TV image quality, TV time shifting and landline voice quality (8.3 out of 10 points for all of these). These are followed by TV channel selection (8.1 points), general customer satisfaction (7.9 points), customer service (7.8 points), Internet speed (7.6 points) and billing (7.5 points). Swisscom received lower customer satisfaction ratings for its billing process than Sunrise and Quickline.
Sunrise customer satisfaction
Sunrise, Switzerland’s second largest telecom service provider, takes second place in terms of overall customer satisfaction with Internet, TV and landline plans. Sunrise customers are most satisfied with landline voice quality (8.2 points) and TV image quality (8.1 points). These are followed by general customer satisfaction and TV channel selection (7.7 points each), billing (7.6 points), customer service and TV time shifting (7.5 points each) and Internet speed (7.4 points).
Salt customer satisfaction
Salt has the lowest satisfaction ratings from its customers. Salt customers are most satisfied with landline voice quality (7.3 points), followed by customer satisfaction, TV image quality and Internet speed (all 7.0 points), TV time shifting (6.9 points), TV channel selection (6.8 points), billing (6.7 points) and lastly, customer service (6.3 points).
UPC customer satisfaction
UPC (formerly Cablecom), Switzerland’s largest cable network operator, received average customer satisfaction ratings. UPC customers are most satisfied with TV image quality and landline voice quality (both 8.0 out of 10 points). These are followed by TV channel selection (7.7 points), Internet speed and general customer satisfaction (both 7.5 points), TV time shifting (7.4 points), billing (7.3 points) and customer service (7.0 points).
Use the interactive comparisons now:
Broadband Internet plan comparison
TV plan comparison
Landline telephone plan comparison