KPT Insurance Comfort

  • Premium outpatient insurance


General information:

Acceptance not guaranteed. Health check by KPT/CPT beforehand.

Notice period:

The insurer can terminate the contract at the latest 3 months before the end of the contract or calendar year.

Premiums and discounts:

There is a discount for taking out a 3-year contract. Online discount of 5 percent (including free internet legal protection insurance) and discount for early payment. Premiums depend on various factors such as age, gender and place of residence. The last age class change is at age 66.

Glasses and contact lenses:

Cost contribution to eyeglass lenses, contact lenses and vision aids: CHF 200 per calendar year. Waiting period: 365 days.


Cost recovery of protective vaccinations: 90 percent.

Preventative examinations:

General prevention: 90 percent up to CHF 200 per calendar year. Preventive gynaecological examinations: 90 percent.

Gym memberships:

Contribution to the cost of wellness or fitness memberships: CHF 200 per calendar year, if no benefits were received in the previous year.


90 percent for medicines accepted by Swissmedic.

Alternative medicine:

Cost contribution to complementary medicine: 90 percent, maximum CHF 200 per calendar year. Contribution to the costs of outpatient complementary medicine treatment: 90 percent, maximum CHF 2000 per calendar year for treatment by a federally certified doctor, maximum CHF 1000 per calendar year with other recognized therapists. The total entitlement (without medication) is a maximum of CHF 2000 per calendar year.


Cost contribution to medically prescribed psychotherapeutic treatments: Maximum of CHF 50 per session, up to CHF 1600 in 5 calendar years.

Search & rescue in Switzerland:

Emergency transportation and rescue costs up to CHF 10,000 per calendar year. Coverage of travel expenses for special serial treatments: CHF 400 per calendar year.

Search & rescue abroad:

Full coverage from integrated travel and vacation insurance during a maximum of 8 weeks per calendar year.
Search costs up to CHF 20,000.

Medical costs abroad:

Full coverage from integrated travel and vacation insurance during a maximum of 8 weeks per calendar year.
Dental treatment is only insured up to a maximum of CHF 3000 as a result of an accident.

Tooth misalignment treatments:

No benefits.

Dental treatments:

No benefits.

Spa & convalescent therapy :

Abroad: CHF 20 per day during up to 21 days per calendar year.


CHF 200 per aid per calendar year.


90 percent up to CHF 500 (including artificial insemination).


Prenatal classes: CHF 150. Antenatal classes: CHF 100. A waiting period of 270 days applies.

Ear corrections:

No benefits.

Home care:

Contribution to the cost of home help prescribed by a doctor: CHF 10 per day, for a maximum of 60 consecutive days.

Additional services:

Patient legal protection and travel insurance included.

Scope of services

Scope of services
Glasses and contact lenses
Preventative examinations
Gym memberships
Alternative medicine
Search & rescue in Switzerland
Search & rescue abroad
Medical costs abroad
Tooth misalignment treatments
Spa & convalescent therapy
Medical aids and equipment
Ear corrections
Home care

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